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Lews Medical research


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In-game Name:Lew
Rank:Resident Scientist

Idea:What will happen if I get a D class with internal damaged lungs and see if SCP-500 can fix the D classes lungs
Basic Description of what you will do:First i will get a D class and  a escort  and then go to  SCP-500 CC and give the D class SCP-500.After I will take him to MedBay and check out his lungs.
Hypothesis:I think that SCP-500 wont fully heal the D classes lungs

Observations (can be a video or audio)After taking SCP-500 the D class seemed to breathe a lot better and that he feels young again.
Detailed description of what happened during the test:First we took the D class to SCP-500's  CC I asked the D class "so you said you had internal damaged lunges right?" the D class said "yes and it is very hard to Breathe" (takes notes on paper) so the Security gave the D class SCP-500 and then the D class swallows SCP-500 after 10 minutes of eating SCP-500 the D class said that he feels better and that he feels young again. After eating SCP-500 we took the D class to Medbay and the put him in the Surgery room and then scanned his lungs with a X Ray. When we looked at the X Ray it looked like SCP-500 cured his damaged lungs.

Conclusion: We can use SCP-500 to cure almost everything
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:No
What did you learn?:That SCP-500 can heal peoples lungs
How Can This Benefit Medical?:This can benefit medical because this can help people with lung cancer

My escort was Sec Eilish

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