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Nexer's 31st Commander application


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23 hours ago, Kev said:

-No offense to you but saying you have "Command experience" in different servers could be a lie as well that means nothing because on different servers it can be easier to get high ranks depending on the server.
-Plus again you are an enlisted normally CMDR / VCMDR applications has to be CPT+.
- You seem very immature by replying to people's -support with comments especially when their -support is valid 



On 8/14/2020 at 11:11 PM, Stone Man said:


-only an enlisted in 31st 

-not enough experience 

-Answer 3. is a bit vague and void of much detail 

-Much more deserving candidates such as caterd kuzon or mychael


Your intentions are good but I think you need to rank up to at least CPT before applying for a Command position ESPECIALLY when there are already two VCMDR's who are in line for this spot... Good luck!



Former DT ØSC01/SH8 l Former IC VCOM Scorch l Former Iden Versio l Former SHGO Drayton

First Inferno Squad Senior Commander

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ― G.K. Chesterton

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