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SCP-076-2 vs. SCP-966 Instances


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Lore Name: Dr. Ketamine

Rank: Dr. Bright Main (No Rank)

SCP: SCP-076-2/SCP-966 (Perm from Rhodes Granted)

Question / Idea: Although SCP-076–2 is capable of performing super-human abilities, I was curious if he could keep up with SCP-966. 966 is known to be a very skilled predator who stalks its prey.

Background Research:

SCP-076-2: A hostile humanoid who every now and then would awaken from a slumber, and seeks the nearest human it comes in contact with and tries to terminate all other humans. Extremely hostile with super-human capabilities and can only be recontained VIA termination.


SCP-966: Invisible entity(/ies) that posses a humanoid shape. They may only be seen through an infrared camera/goggles seeing as how we are able to track their body temperature. They rarely use their claws since they are fragile although sharp.  They are frail and lack muscle mass, but are capable of emitting a burst of waves that can render their prey/target deprived of sleep, eventually incapacitating the victim.

Hypothesis: “SCP-076–1(The Coffin) will be placed inside of SCP-966’s containment VIA Helper-Bot to prevent human casualties. The coffin would open and SCP-076-2 would try to seek the nearest human being. SCP-966 would interrupt this process by engaging 076-2, thus commencing the bout. 966 would be difficult to locate seeing as how 076-2 does not possess infrared goggles, so they would get a few good hits in. Whether 076-2 won or not, I was interested to see how severe the effects of sleep deprivation were, how long it took to affect, and the duration it lasted until incapacitation of 076-2 which would be unlikely since it’d cause mass casualties, so this is pretty much a death battle/termination attempt. After the battle, SCP-076-2 would be tranquilized then cremated.”—At least this is how it would’ve gone.

Due to the server’s take on lore for balancing, it went like this: SCP-076-2 would be promised a challenger to follow me and an MTF Unit to SCP-966’s cell. An extension was made to the cell in order to prevent a mass breach of the 966 instances. 076-2 would be told the challengers are in that cell, and when the battle has finished, the door will open with 076-2 as the victor due to his strength and 966’s flaw of being fragile. Once his rage state was over he will then be promised another challenger(D-Class) in his containment chamber, and then escorted back.

Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-076-2 seems to have easily been able to track the 966 instances for unknown scientific reasons. The 966 instances however did manage to strike 076-2 several times and which each strike 076-2 seemed to be getting slower seeming as though he were overwhelmed and also pondering something. 076 then began to retaliate and the fight ensued. 

Evidence/Visual Stimuli: https://streamable.com/zpcm4n

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-076-2 destroyed the ever-loving fuck out of SCP-966 And went as my hypothesis descripted. Word for word.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes


NOTE: I know I’m not in research, but I did this for fun

Edited by TG_Kilo

"L’Eggo My Eggo"

||Omi9|| E11 PFC || CI RND Researcher ||

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Grade:  A


Log Quality: Quality


What could've been done better: 

• pog, there is nothing that I can think of for here


What was done right: 


• There is plenty to read in this document

• There is a lot of detail added into this document

Edited by Research Rhodes


Retired Marshall


Retired Foundation Doctor

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