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R Florio Weekly Challenge "The Cure for Cancer"


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Name: R Florio


Rank: Researcher


SCP: 500


List of Personnel involved in testing: SEC OFC Behold


Level D Personnel involved(if any): Ganameep


Question/Preferred Outcome: Is SCP-500 the cure for cancer?


Risks/Safety Precautions: There will be a high dosage of radiation that is lethal.


Background Research: SCP-500 is known to cure virtually all diseases within two hours, however I was unsure if this applied to removing a tumor which is essentially a clump of rogue cells.


Labor/Work being used: The curing of cancer / removing of a tumor.


Observation: The subjuect had two large tumors, one in his testicles and one in his chest, and was coughing up large amounts of blood. after ingesting SCP-500-1 from SCP-500, the tumors were as if they were never there, and the coughing subsided.


Conclusion: SCP-500 is a viable cure to cancer if we can figure out how to reproduce SCP-500-1.

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