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Date: 6/1/20


Location: Site 05


CI Personnel Involved:CI RND AR Tako


SCP’s Involved:013,

SCP Class:safe


Overview:have a alpha operative smoke 013 and descibe what is happening


Hypothesis: he will explain him being a random women of some sorts and die shortly after


Researcher:CI RND AR Tako A11


Supervisor: none


Observation 1-A:he smoked 013

i am in a kitchen


i am making dinner


it looks like the late 1930s 


i am in a kithen robe thing


im looking in a mirror

i have black hair

blue lipstick

and blue eyes

(end of audio)


Observation 1-A:the alpha was fine and recovered shortly after

Error/Safety Hazards:no nothing went wrong


Conclusion:scp013 is not helpful in combat


<End of Log>

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