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SCP 1025 randomization test


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Lore Name: jr researcher bob
Rank: jr researcher
SCP: 1025

Question / Idea: what are all the side effects of SCP 1025
Background Research: none
Hypothesis: at least 3 different effects

Observations (What Happened During Test): the first d-class was turned in to stone. the 2nd d-class had a as-ma attack and died immediately after due to cardiac arrest. and the final d-class was set on fire before he could even turn to the first page.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): the 3 effects of SCP 1025 are: being  turned in to stone, cardiac arrest and/or as-ma and finally being set a-blaze
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: yes. however a side of me thought there will have been more...

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Grade: 61%


Quality: Standard

Lore: 10/20 

You did not do much Background Research except for the base details of the SCP. You did not explain what this SCP is. This Test Log needs a lot more detail.


Creativity:  9/20

This test has been done multiple times on SCP-1025. We already know that SCP-1025 is capable of giving anyone who reads it a disease.

Presentation:  12/20

Although the post is very organized, the post lacks any visuals or evidence. It is bland.

Writing: 30/40

Although the writing was very short, it did not have any dramatic grammar errors.


You have the right idea, just think of a more conclusive and informative test next time. Remember, we come up with tests to improve the containment methods of these SCP's and further the Betterment of Mankind. Think of something to find the out more about the anomalous capabilities of these SCP's.


If you ever have any questions or need help with a Test Log, you can come talk to me or any other Research Command and we will help you out!

Edited by Scoron
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