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SCP-966 mass test

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Lore Name:AR DanMan
Rank:AR (overviewed by RAM Cancer)
SCP: 966 & 999

Question / Idea: What are 999's effects on SCP 966
Background Research: SCP-999 is an orange slime that gives positive emotions to anyone who interacts with it. SCP-966 is a invisible sapian creature that is skeletal like creature that typically hunts for pray using its bone like claws. (tends to break containment this way.
Hypothesis: Due to SCP-999's passive and optimistic nature I want to know if SCP-966 will be calmed by it. 

Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-999 prematurely entered containment unfortunately, however the nature of 966 became passive and clamed by SCP-999.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-999 has yet to meet an SCP that isn't calmed by his effects (Though im unsure of SCP-096 or 682 under these circumstances) SCP-966 proved to be no different compared to the others.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: My hypothesis was correct.

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Grade: 80%

Test Quality: Quality

Lore: 18/20: Wish lore was more spread out.

Creativity: 14/20: Not the most creative test I have seen.

Presentation: 16/20: Wish you messed with the format or added pictures 

Writing: 32/40: No spelling nor grammatical errors though you forgot to add a closed bract but that's just me being critical. Wish you wrote more

Former Research Administrator/OR1 Dr. Watkin

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