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Begginer Test [SCP-1025] [Safe Class]


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SCP-1025 Test Log

Lore Name: Greg Lyn
Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP: 1025  [Safe class]

Question/Idea: As This is my first test, I decided to do something generally simple that was suggested by my research trainer. I was curious, So why not? I am looking to see how or why the anomalistic properties of SCP-1025 occur.

Background Research: I've done some some research using the unclassified information and current test logs we had on file. About how SCP-1025 was just a Codex of some kind containing information about common to complex diseases ranging from Eye degradation, all the way to human spontaneous combustion. Of course there are some beneficial diseases that occur as well, like regenerative cancer for example. They occur upon whoever reads the entry about the specific disease.

Hypothesis: I imagine the test will be relatively simple. Ask the D-class used in the test to read from the SCP, see what happens, and record data based on the outcome.. Simple right..?

Observation: I used just one D-class for this test so that there was little need to be focused on anything else happening during the test. The test began with me asking the D-class to simply pick a point in the codex to read from and describe to me what he was reading in complete and vivid detail. They didn't hesitate to ask any questions about the test or the Codex. Shortly after being asked, the D-class subject picks up SCP-1025 and opens it to a random section. In that moment I thought to myself, "Maybe I should have asked if he could start from front to back.." But as quickly as I thought it, the subject started to panic and winch. I pleaded calmly to the D-class subject to please describe what they just read. Just then the D-class subject started to scream. The D-class subject started screaming and yelling "I'm turning to stone! I'm turning to stone!" I once again asked "what was it that you read from the codex". From their foot to the very top of their head I watched as he actually turned to stone while I asked the same question over and over with no response. I was shook.. The test was over.

Analysis/Conclusion: My results are; that whatever the subject I used in this test read had something to do with petrification. With the other tests I've looked thru and used to research SCP-1025 before the test, I am very disappointed that I received little to no information regarding any form of how these anomalies occur. My hypothesis was completely inaccurate. I'm am very sure that this is NOT and should NOT be a [Safe class] SCP. This being my first test, I am shaken up quite a bit and I fear the tests that are to come. But I must know more.


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Grade: A


Test Quality: Quality


Lore: Lore is followed

Creativity: Creative but not unique test log, good test idea for a JR though.

Presentation: Format is followed and the creative use of the forums tools for writing is awesome.

Writing: There is much to read, with plenty of detail in the writing.


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