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1424 riot shield


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Grade: 70/100

Lore: 17/25

Creativity: 15/25

Presentation: 23/25

Writing: 15/25

Test quality: Meets Expectations

Extra Notes: Nice presentation, you forgot the numbers for the case file. The practicality of this test is odd because it is able to move around on its own, also damage it takes is stated to not heal or regenerate in any way, you never stated if it did but i can presume that you intended for it to. An examination of the wounds may have been nice, whenever your doing a test on an SCP you would want to cover as much stuff relating to the topic as possible, long high quality test logs are our favourites after all 😉 Also remember to mention everything in the log itself rather then in the conclusion, new info shouldn't come out of nowhere such as the knowledge of stray bullet only told to us in safety hazards.

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