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[GL] Bazooka

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Please look back over the test, at its current state this test log is incredibly hard to read due to grammar problems and i don't think that you were testing on SCP 044 considering its a howitzer, you also mention SCP 999 and "little 066's" without any mention of them even being in the test via SCP's involved, i believe that if anything you may have been talking about 5208? due to the multiple colored specimens but this isn't mentioned anywhere, please look back over the test log, i will grade it once it has been updated. Also remember to take out the initial prompts.

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9 hours ago, GrandNova said:

Please look back over the test, at its current state this test log is incredibly hard to read due to grammar problems and i don't think that you were testing on SCP 044 considering its a howitzer, you also mention SCP 999 and "little 066's" without any mention of them even being in the test via SCP's involved, i believe that if anything you may have been talking about 5208? due to the multiple colored specimens but this isn't mentioned anywhere, please look back over the test log, i will grade it once it has been updated. Also remember to take out the initial prompts.

It was an event scp and they used the 066's models. 

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But 044 is a howitzer! Whatever, heres the grade for what it is.

Grade: 45/100

Creativity: 15/35

Presentation: 15/25

Writing: 15/40

Test quality: Approaching Expectations

Extra Notes: The test log is quite hard to read, perhaps try and space out the audio log/observation a bit better? get rid of the initial prompts in the original template. Theres not much i can say about the lore because SCP 044 is nothing like the SCP's described which seem to more symbolize different parts of brain, make the audio/video log more of a proper representation of exactly what happened as it was happening not a list of what happened, because these are new SCP's in the conclusion you should define them in the best way you can.

Make sure to read over it as well, there were some grammar problems that made it hard to read. Don't worry too much about the low grade, i would of done a lore grade if not for the lack of info on the SCP used, and i couldn't do much with creativity since you were just figuring out how a new SCP works.

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