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SCP-173 Test | "Pizza Day"

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Name/Rank: Junior Researcher Pynput
SCP: 173


Question / Idea: Would SCP-173 be able to consume cooked food, if so, would he prefer killing humans, or would he prefer he food (possible containment?)

Background Research: SCP logs indicate no such recorded activity of consuming its prey, however, they do say:


"The reddish brown substance on the floor is a combination of feces and blood. Origin of these materials is unknown."

This could then be assumed either:

A: SCP-173 is capable of producing feces and blood due to unknown methods (Possible resource?)

B: SCP-173 takes in an unknown "food" and can then excrete it.
Hypothesis:  SCP-173 is likely excreting material from an anomalous source, as no records have indicated any consuming, or any differences in environment (ex. air pressure)



Observations (What Happened During Test):

Test 1: One D-Class subject was given a box of pizza and put inside the containment cell. The door was then shut due to safety issues.

Test 2: One D-Class subject was given a single slice of pizza and put inside the containment cell. SCP-173 was waiting at the door, got stuck in the shutting door, and recontainment was performed. 

Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 

Test 1: Crunching similar to normal spinal breakage was heard, and when the door was opened, the pizza box was still untouched.

Test 2: SCP-173 was already at the door as if knowing another test would be performed. He then went to the pizza, but then ignored it and moved on.



Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Have Caused The Results): Due to SCP-173 being at the door, it can be inferred that it has a small sense of smell or hearing. It also did not open the box, showing it does not know how a box works. The pizza being untouched while being noticed could indicate that SCP-173 may be interested in food but has a preference.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:  More experimentation may be required, however so far my hypothesis is correct. SCP-173 does not seem to take in food.


Other Note: This could be a source of nitrogen/fertilizer or possibly blood for SCP-012.

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Grade: (A) (95%)


Test Quality: Quality


Lore: 20/20: Nothing wrong with the lore here

Creativity: 20/20: haven't seen a test like this before

Presentation: 15/20: the evidence/visual stimuli section is for pictures or videos of the test

Writing: 40/40: the writing is following all grammar and capitalization rules and there is alot to read.


Retired Marshall


Retired Foundation Doctor

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