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Rocco Rex's LOA


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In-game Name: Rocco Rex
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:433247298STEAM_0:0:433247298
Rank: SSGT
Length of LOA (Provide Dates): 11/4/2019-11/18/2019
Reason (If private then put N/A): Last ditch attempt to get Internet usable

Already spoke with Blitzon. Sorry for having vanished everyone. When I got out of the military and moved back home, net is trash, cant play on the server. Been fighting to try to find a way to get it usable. This 2 week LOA is  my last ditch effort before I get put into reserves  till Im on my own with good  net. I swear, Im not abandoning SRT or GL PRP, home net  is just too trash

Retired as IRP assistant head game master, IRP SNR admin, PRP admin, IC Commander, SRT 2LT, EMS Head Deputy, FR DEFR

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