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Scp-912 Reaction's test


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Lore Name: Panda
 Rank: JR

Clearance Level: 2

List of personnel involved in testing: Security CPL Burninghail

 Level D personnel involved: 1

 SCP: 912

Errors and/or safety hazards: Scp-912 refused to listen, so i had to make the D-Class show the items instead of having 912 search him.

 Question: What counts as a weapon for 912 and what doesn't

 Background Research: SCP-912 is a humanoid entity that wears a S.W.A.T uniform. SCP-912 Can form cuffs and batons out of thin air and will arrest anybody with a weapon and without police uniform. SCP-912 will only listen to people in police uniform

 Hypothesis: SCP-912 will react to a convincing weapon. but wont to a non-convincing one

 Observation: At first, we gave the D-Class a sharp rock, scp-912 noticed it, but didint take mind. we took it back and gave the D-Class a very unconvincing toy gun. scp-912 saw it and jumped but then realized it was fake, we then gave the d-class a really convincing toy gun, 912 arrested the d-class and i took him to med bay for anapestics/termination

Analysis and Conclusion: SCP-912 can tell the difference of what is/not is a weapon

Do Results Align with Hypothesis: yes

The God Gamer of the Shitpost Squadron    


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