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 SCP-173 ~ JR Fenstermacher, 5/22/2019


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Rank: Junior Researcher

Clearance Level:  2 

List of Personnel involved in testing: 
Security LCPL Stix, Assisted with securing D-class and protection
Junior Researcher Fenstermacher, conducting the test.

Level D personnel involved: Class D officer

SCP: 173

Errors and/or safety hazards: Testing with a single D-class, No extra assistance to watch SCP-173 in case of beach

Question: What will happen if we pointed a mirror at SCP-173 to view its own reflection.

Background Research: SCP-173 is a statue like future that, That will only move when direct Eye contract is lost.

Hypothesis: I believe that SCP-173 will stay still doing contact with the mirror.

Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): Earlier test were conducted to clean the apparatuses of SCP-173, to isolate any variable that may take place. D-Officer, was given a mirror approximately 12in by 6 in, Junior Researcher Fenstermacher instructed D-officer to enter the cell one it opens, before closing the cell, D-class was instructed to blink, before closing the cell. After this D-class was told, If they needed to blink face the mirror to SCP-173. After 30 seconds of the door to SCP-173 was closed, If can be assumed that D-class blinked and subsequently used the mirror as instructed. Because SCP-173 began to squeak, It has yet to be confused if SCP-173 was squeaking or some unaccounted variable. D-Class were told to stay in the cell for 3 minutes, after 3 minutes D-class was instructed to come to the cell door, and Security personnel were at the ready and were ready to retrieve the D-class. Researcher Fenstermacher, opened the door to SCP-173, D-class and SCP-173 were both at the right of the door, D-class exited the cell and the door was shut, The D-class was quoted as saying "It just stopped, I want to go back." The D-class was given amnestics and escorted back to his cell. 

Analysis and Conclusion: SCP-173, when faced with its own mirror self, will stop moving, and lock. Further testing is required to determent weather placing SCP-173 in a mirrored room will eliminate all of its anomalies properties, Further testing is also required to determent how big does the mirror need to be for its animalism affects to be neutralized.

Do your results align with your hypothesis?: Yes, SCP-173 did stop when given its mirror self.

Sorry for the highlighting It was from the discord and posted here.


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