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Classic Cars (or just more cars)

Lil Bits

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EDIT: Because we have a Car Dealer, VIP Car Dealer and High-End Car Dealer we could organize them into Classic Car Dealer, Luxury Car Dealer, Supercar Dealer, Regular Car Dealer and finally VIP Car Dealer

What do you want to see? - Classic cars on the server

Why should we add it? - In my opinion, I feel like there are not enough options for cars. Porche isn't even on the server somehow and the only classic we do have in the Hornet. I haven't played enough on the server to tell if the Custom Car npc works, on the donator page for the Custom Job, the perks listed do not include my own custom car. So if I knew the Custom Car npc works I would rather a package on the store that is just Custom Car and is less expensive than the Custom Job. 

What are the advantages of having this? - Possibly makes it easier for law enforcement, even though there are more names to remember. Having a larger amount of option lowers the chance for people to have the same car.

Who is it mainly for? - Citizens

Links to any content - (I really want this one to be the first added) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=225055454&searchtext=Cadillac

Edited by Lil Bits
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