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FBI SNR SA October’s “training” session


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As I am writing this I just saw Johnathen’s promotion and I would like to say congratulations to him and Gamik. The future of FBI looks bright. 

Now, I know it is not my place to hold an FBI training session, but FBI PA ANONIMOUS requested it. I announced I was holding an unofficial training session and many FBI members jumped at the offer. I would like to say that they all passed with flying colors. 

Why did I host this session? I hosted this session because I realized we needed more October’s in FBI. I taught them the October Breach (patent pending) and everything. We did shooting tests and a whole bunch of stuff. We finished by learning about OP’s (abbreviation for operations if you do not know). In fact, a few of the FBI members joined me in a basic gun dealer operation. Sadly, I didn’t take any pictures of our training, and I’m typing this on my phone so unlike the impressive Jeff Remington I have no pictures to share. 

My trainees for the unofficial training who I wish to recommend for promotion (I have put a star next to those who helped in the OP, and 2 for the UC agent):


FBI PROMO RECOMMENDATIONS (unofficial training session hosted by FBI SNR SA October)



John Wick





Extortion/Big Johnny

Chris Brown**

Undetected Person*



FBI PA Nathan showed up for the OP but not training


I apologize for the giant font I don’t know why that happened, probably because I’m using apple notes to record it. 


The one and only lovely October

don’t question why I wrote this so late tho.


I’m stupid I forgot to include the date, which was June 9th (today if you read it tonight) 

also, please don’t think I’m looking for a promotion by doing this, I just want higher quality agents in FBI.


I believe that the SA’s who attended my training session deserve a promotion as much as the PA’s, and I told them there were no guaranteed promotions, I’d like to see every single one of these guys ranked up.


Edited by October
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Remember it’s made with love. ;)

lol I wasn’t sure how to contact you guys (speaking of FBI higher ups), and I’m too lazy to figure it out, so I decided to make a forums post for everyone to see. Gotta say congratulations to the guys who came out, and ANONIMOUS is definitely a “marksman” for sure. 

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