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The R2D2 Family

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The R2D2 Mafia is a family / organization (Not a gang) that consist of 8 spots

The spots go as listed:

  1. R2D2 (Leader)
  2. C3PO ( Co leader)
  3. Mouse Droid (Communications)
  4. AZ-3 (Medical Unit)
  5. Gonk Droid (Gun Holder)
  6. WAC - 47 (Pilot [Driver])
  7. IG-88 (Assassin for Crim)
  8. Guri (Assassin for Gov)


Everyone must work together, and follow hierachy.

#1 Rule: Always beep boop according to your character (Ex: R2 goes beeep boooooop)

If your character doesnt talk, you better unbind voice chat and chat box son.

If your character has a dopey personality, so do you now!



1+ Family Online: Nismo (or what ever car that has 4 spots)

3+: Use Nismo OR Range Rover

4+: Escalade, or everyone makes a convoy in white vans :)

6+: White Van convoy

Character Descriptions

R2D2: A droid who basically knows everything that has happened

And is borderline immortal at this point tbh.

C3PO: Annoying but smart, somehow gets out of deadly situations. Also translator

to the foreigners, (Russian gangs, ect)

Mouse Droid: Silent annoying jerk thats always moving and is extra annoying (Perfect for nimo jk )

AZ-3: Medical Unit that is always on the move. Slightly Annoying and Slightly Charming!

(Hopefull CC w/ a medkit)

Gonk Droid: Walking Trash can. Probably has something useful in it so ask it. Only says *Shoonk*

WAC-47: Pilot Droid who is very fishy and very jumpy. Over confident but not in a bad way. Plans USUALLY work, you can always hope.

IG-88: Tall brooding assassin droid. Deadly of the deadly. Rarely talks unless he is taking orders. Can be reprogrammed to talk more. Hunts criminals

Guri: This human replica droid was an assassin who worked for Prince Xizor and helped him operate Black Sun. Appearing in Shadows of the Empire, her time with Black Sun ended shortly after Xizor died. Eventually, she tracked down one of her creators and asked him to reprogram her. Guris wookiepedia page (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Guri

Assasin of the government, in essence. Works with IG-88 if necessary



This is all probably gonna blow up so...

I've got a bad feeling about this


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