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Staff Defibs


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After 3 minutes of waiting for EMS if they press space it will respawn them. So the longest you can go without reapawning is 3 minutes.

From all the constant reports staffs getting from abusing unarrest baton ECT. I don’t know if lower ranks would be able to handle it. And then we would just have 10x more reports. Certain staff already want to fly around and interrupt RP and RP on duty or use weapons on duty. This would just cause issues as I can already see a staff flying around reviving people for no reason. For lords sake we have a unarrest baton and that’s already been abused. 


I would say otherwise but currently i’m not confident in some of the team based on reports and actions they have made recently.

That's true too actually, most staff members already interupt RP sits.

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HUGE +Support

It is so annoying having to wait for EMS to come to the area to have someone revived that called a sit. Also, if you don't want to wait for EMS then you pull them, and when that happens things tend to get hairy, whether the EMS was in the middle of a situation and was about to revive someone or they were driving their vehicle and now its flying all over the road. This would help staff hugely!


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