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Brandon's Ban Appeal


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Steam Name:  Untitled4k

Ingame Name: Brandon Faustin

SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:100099311

Ban Length: Perma Blacklist 

Admin that Banned you: Mr.Valkri

Reason for Ban: Connected to other blacklisted members / Causing problems. 

Dispute: So this happened a decently long Time ago and I realize now what I didn't was immature bringing up someone that was not to liked around the community and I was being stupid I didn't understand that what I was doing could offend people and for that I truly apologize and if this doesn't get accept atleast everyone knows it was just me being stupid and that I apologize. Thank you.

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Your full reason for ban is: Blacklisted/Alt Account/Connect to 2 other Blacklisted Members/Causing issues

Might wanna explain that other part of ban too ?

ok well it wasn't an alt account I only have one account so part of that is false but ya that is the full reason

He might have thought that I was gary or sleep on an alt but I assure you I have only connected to that server on one account on one occasion 

I don't really know how I could prove I only have one account but I do only have 1

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If I can remember properly you and someone else came on and put in OOC “Free my N**** Gary” and we’re causing other problems.

Ok well one of those people who came on was gary on an alt which i knew he was gonna get banned but I came on to play with a freind of mine but ended up saying one thing in ooc that got me banned but like I said what i did was stupid and I apogize 

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Thats what he did. You also logged on to cause trouble why should i allow you back?

Valkri I understand That I did something stupid and that is why Im appealing I realize I did something dumb and that I made mistakes but I believe you should let me back to show you I wont do anything stupid like that again and I will be an actually functioning part of the community not a minge or a person just here to cause trouble. All im trying to say is I regret coming on just to cause problems and im sure I wont let that happen again

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