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Drago's Senior Gamemasters application

Big Drago

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In-game name: Drago

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:11031174

Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: Vice Sovereign Carnor Jax

How long have you been Gamemaster: I have been in GM for 4 months 4/20/24 - 8/21/24

Have you received any strikes (please give reasons if applicable): I have never received a strike

How much time do you have on the server?: On the Tab menu (in-game), I have 15 weeks. I have 2,701:14 hours on GL ImperialRP according to Battlemetrics: https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/1009230094

How well do you know the LORE? I am pretty good with the Lore I have watched every Star Wars movie, most TV shows, and books including the Thrawn trilogy and Crimson Empire.

Why do you WANT to become a Senior Gamemaster: Ever since joining the GM team, I have wanted to be a part of the senior team. Senior Gamemasters assist Head GMs in leading the GM team and set examples for what it means to understand and operate ULX at a high level. I want to be an SGM to help improve (and assist in the development of) the next generation of the ImperialRP gamemaster team. The GM team is the heart of ImperialRP and without its consistent, high-quality events, the server would not be where it is today on the server leaderboards. My final reason for wanting to join the SGMs is pretty simple – I have a passion for creating interesting and engaging RP scenarios that are deeply connected to lore; as an SGM, I intend to share that passion with the rest of the team and help keep GL on top.

Why should you be trusted to be a Senior Gamemaster?: I feel strongly that I can be trusted as a Senior Gamemaster for GL for multiple reasons. In my RP life, I am well-known around our ISD its people, and our mission. Staff, I am an Admin on GL ImperialRP and feel that I have earned my place on that team through professionalism and common courtesy to all our guests on the server. I am highly active, invested in accomplishing my RP and staff duties, and enthusiastic about improving the RP experiences of the ISD-GL crew. Finally, I am a staunch advocate for professionalism and anti-minge. Additionally, as a veteran and as a manager in my professional life, I understand the responsibility that comes with a position like this; it is not handed over to people lightly. I am committed to the long-term success of the GM team, and I firmly believe that everyone I interact with here knows that I give them my very best - every day.

Have you mastered ULX?: I have mastered ULX, and I thoroughly understand what it is capable of. In every scenario and dupe I build, I always try to incorporate as many ULX tools as possible to make lifelike environments, while always keeping server integrity in mind. Being responsible with these powerful ULX tools is paramount, as we can easily crash the server with one wrong move.

Are you experienced with planning Mega-Events?: I haven't done any mage events but I do know how a mega event works they can last from 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 mins usually. They are packed with a lot of surprises and fun things for every regiment.

Give an example of a mega event: 

My last Mega event, titled “A Line in the Sand,” saw our ISD and a Tatooine-based cyber-mining operation destroyed by a joint team of Rebels and Tusken Raiders. 

The event starts with the ISD-GL in orbit over the planet Tatooine, supporting planetside mining operations that seek rare but powerful versions of the coveted kyber crystal. Little does the crew or its ground party know - their presence has been reconnoitered by Rebel Commandos working alongside indigenous Tusken Raiders, who both wish to see the Imperial presence eliminated. Rebel teams, commanded by a Jedi Master, hit the unsuspecting Imperials in a simultaneous assault on both ground and space forces. We on ISD-GL lose contact with the simulated “Ground Team” as Rebel Cruisers launch drop pods and attack the bridge, courtyard, and engine core areas. Likewise, the ILC is also being attacked. A DEFCON 1 is called after explosives knock out the reactor core of ISD-GL, leaving the crew with a 90-second timer to evacuate to a shuttle… whether they escape to a hurried shuttle or find themselves stuck on our doomed ISD being pulled into the planet’s gravity well, the crew soon finds themselves on the surface of Tatooine. This represents part one - which takes 20-30 minutes.

Upon a map switch to “gm_jakku_wreck_v1’’, part two begins. The ISD-GL has crashed on the planet of Tatooine, with its mangled frame partially submerged in a dune. Rebel forces and Tusken Raiders regroup and attack in waves, aided by Clone War-era AT-TEs. At this point in the event, teams of troopers take on several roles.  

Special Forces infiltrate the ship’s bridge and request Imperial reinforcements to our location; this sets a timer representing an ETA until help arrives. Frontline troops are dug in battling against not only rebel troops, but also the Jedi and Tusken Raider elites hell-bent on killing every last one of ISD-GL crew members. One SF VTOL is providing CAS, while Medical sets up a healing/triage station for wounded troopers. Finally, Purge/IQ is collecting kyber crystals and fighting as needed throughout their search.

After about 15 minutes, Special Forces activate a beacon on the bridge requesting reinforcements from the 4th Fleet, who will arrive in 15-20 minutes. Troops then hold their positions against increasingly difficult waves of Rebels and Raiders until help from the 4th Fleet arrives.

In summary, the Mega has multiple combat venues, has unique challenges for as many individual battalions as possible, and lasts roughly an hour to 75 minutes in length.

How active can you be?: I'm online almost every day for several hours. I am always accessible to my RP battalion, GM team, and staff team. I have never gone on an LOA in the time I have been on GL imperial RP, and try to be as active as possible.

Thank you for your consideration and for taking the time to read my application for this position. I hope to soon serve as your next Senior GM, and humbly thank you for your support!

Edited by Big Drago

current ranks: Vice Sovereign Carnor Jax // Drago, Tank SGT Drago TT5736, Shore HVY SGT Drago TT57

old ranks: SL Drago Fury SEIF36, SF CSL GC Drago 5736, SHGO Elder guard Aron Veisler, SO Sub Lieutenant Drago

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-Making Fun Events

-I think he is ready!

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Application Accepted.

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Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

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