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Wolverine's Vice Admiral App :)- Accepted

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

Vice Head of Intel Wolverine

2. What Regiment are you applying for?

 Imperial Navy

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

I’d like to become Vice Admiral of Naval so I can improve Naval on a larger scale in a way that my rank won’t stop me from doing my duties to the best of my abilities. I love the entirety of naval as a whole and have tons of new ideas to help the main branch, Aswell as the subbranches, one of them being to rework how intel operates. Starting by adding in guard post for intel members to be at ATC, intel is in charge of guarding intelligence and the data, the terminal should be a sector that they need to guard during events and raids. Next is to add in a Trial system to allow new members in the subbranch get assigned a mentor for a week to get an idea on how intel works and what we expect from them in the branch. The battalion is suffering due to inactivity and with me becoming a Vice Admiral I can help out by hosting tryouts, being active on the ISD every day, giving out sector assignments to allow lower ranked naval to engage with everyone onboard the ISD, lastly also hosting sims during prime hours to show people that naval is always doing something even when there are no events or its slow I want people to know that naval is active and by me making those changes I know that I can help naval get out of this inactive status we are in at the moment. I love naval a ton and the people that are in it, which is why I want naval to be welcoming to new and returning players which honesty, dignity, respect, and over all good guys that want the best for the people that call naval a home.  

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

 1,477 hours Assassin. Winters - BattleMetrics

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

 The role of a commander is to lead everyone and show that we are alright and will make it, not in the good times but also the worst times. Working on improving not only himself, but helping out and making sure he is leading and training everyone to make sure that he leaves his teaching and understanding to ensure that the next person that steps up will be ready for the duties that is required of him. However, it’s also making sure that he is in tuned with what’s going on around him and is will to face troubles head on, with knowledge on how to tackle issues and doesn’t second guess himself, making that decision and moving forward with he head held high. It’s not always about making sure he looks good but its also good to know that he respects everyone and understands them and is willing to work with anyone from all walks of life, you need to be understanding and willing to defend and take care of your people, you need to be approachable to them so you need to show that you are trustworthy and they know that you will handle it, not matter what may arise, but let’s that person know that you have there best interest in mind and willing to help that individual in the best way possible. Lastly allowing and open-minded person who can accept and listen to other methods coming from others and humbling yourself to listen to others and what ideas they may have to make sure you are including everyone and letting them know they are important not matter the rank.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

Currently I hold the title of Vice Head of Intel in the intelligence sub-branch of naval. Every time I get on my naval job its always Intel, and making sure I host SIMS with other branches every week and wanting to improve relations with members in the spec ops community to always them to take part in spec ops missions for the future. However, as Vice Admiral I don’t want to stop doing that, I still want to be hosting SIMS with not only my branch but still show spec ops that I am still here and love working with everyone that is willing to show up, and with Vice Admiral I can make spec ops missions a more common thing for the other branches. Every time I get on Naval, I love to give it my all every day pushing myself to different levels and improving my leading skills every time I get on the job. If I become Vice Admiral ill continue to push and improve myself even if I make it into High Command, I want to ensure that every time I play, I learn something new or I helped teach someone else something new, I love working and talking to everyone on the server and anyone that comes to the BCP, Bridge, ATC, and Deep Bridge I enjoy people’s company. Which is Why I know that you can trust me in being Vice Admiral of the Imperial Navy, I know that I am ready to take on what challenges that the title brings and I am ready to face them head on with Naval’s best interest


7. How often can you be Online? :

 I am online every week day

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :


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+ Support

Does good work in all lives he is in, could be part of the turn around for Naval


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Currently: Pyke Boss p0dSO LT Commander Mango

Former: Purge COL Mango | FS1 (Spectre Lead)

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+ Support

Does good work in all lives he is in, could be part of the turn around for Naval


Former IQ Overseer / EX Havoc 1LT / EX Naval Vice admiral / / EX DT C37 / EX DT L21 EX DT VCMDR EX GMVIII

Current Fleet intelligence member \


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+ Support

- Super friendly guy

- almost always online see him a lot

- Always hosting SIMs across battalion

- Was awesome with Spec OPs when that quota was a thing

Overall this man deserves the position and has been nothing but a positive influence on people.





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+ Massive Support

Wolverine is someone I have known since he first joined the Pyke Syndicate and the Imperial Navy. He has climbed the ranks in both of these battalions and has demonstrated outstanding leadership and activity. I believe this candidate for Vice Admiral would be amazing. From my perspective as a LT. Commander, he has shown all the qualities required for the role of Vice Admiral, and I am confident that he knows what needs to be done to help the Imperial Navy become active again.

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Would love to have another Vice Admiral on the Team.

[ Imperial Roleplay ]

Overseer of Fleet Intel & Security | Vice Admiral of the Imperial Navy

IMPRP: Moderator | IMPRP: Game Master - 0

Community Support Team

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+ Support

- Super friendly guy

- almost always online see him a lot

- Always hosting SIMs across battalion

- Was awesome with Spec OPs when that quota was a thing

Overall this man deserves the position and has been nothing but a positive influence on people.

Current Gideon Hask

Resigned DT Command AX4/SC0 [Command member for nearly a year]/Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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Has experience

Current - DT VCMDR AL0 | Admin

Retired Staff -  Senior Moderator | Gamemaster V

IC VCMDR 12-7 Sev | Pyke Enforcer ESR Alpha ISB:IA Senior Operative Alpha SF OVL Senior Aviation Officer Rexler Brath | Death Trooper SGT AA0 | IC SSL DMS LTCOL 6654 Alpha | IC CSVL 4060 Gren | Purge LTCOL | Inferno Squad Head Agent | IC OSVL 8015 Fi | 501st ARCLT 2LT ST SCTS 2LT | Medical Research Supervisor 2LT Havoc MSGT | Shock HVYO 1LT | 31st SFC | Nova CSM 

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+ Support
- Easy to Work with
- Nice Person
- Trustful
- Active
- Good Application

Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

Former | IC VCMR Sev | DT LTCOL SV02 | SHG SHGO Vacander Jax

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  • Head Admin


Please speak to high command for your rank!

Highest General Resin

Head Admin



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