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Add New/Smarter NPCs for GMs


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Im not saying in specific these packs but these are some examples of smarter and more effective NPCs

How would this benefit the server (will it help events or is it purely for decorations and how?): It would make Events more fun for players on the NPC and help GMs who can't spawn as many NPCs. For example, in the CIS NPC pack i have used recently and the dwarf spider droid was very effective at suppressing forces and useful as AA and Anti-Tank. The Ultra B3 Battle droid was like a mini boss with the Tri Droid being seen as a boss for infantry and tanks (the tri droid can be killed by small arms fire).

Do you believe the benefits exceed the risk of adding more content to the server (risking loading times and possible performance) and why?: I believe this will benefit the server as it will make events more difficult while not lagging the server with mass amounts of NPCs.

How would this benefit the server (will it help battalion/server activity and how?): It would assist the server in a way that instead of AI/NPCs being spammed during events instead GMs would be able to spawn fewer AI that are smarter and fight better than the AI we have. I have used SNPCs and things like Next Bot AI on both Halo and Star Wars RP Servers and most people.

Current ARCL COL Ordo N-11/056

  -ARCL COL Tavo,ARCL COL Fordo, and am also currently IC SGM Kujo

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For clarification i dont mean specifically these AI but SNPCs and smarter AI do exist and are more difficult to fight/ Smarter NPCs

Current ARCL COL Ordo N-11/056

  -ARCL COL Tavo,ARCL COL Fordo, and am also currently IC SGM Kujo

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Major W +100!!!
Adding some NPC's that take cover, throw grenades and work together flanking etc... would make events not only way more fun!! But the amount of different types of NPC's would make things a lot less stale! One major problem with combat events is that it's pretty point and click sometimes. DropPod than spawner and the players camp spawners. With these NPC's they move around A LOT. Taking cover, throwing grenades and flanking etc... They can be far more difficult and fun to fight. Another big plus with the CIS pack is that it adds in some cool vics and stuff to fight as NPC's. That's something we severely lack imo. Can't stress enough how much this would help the server and bring life into events.


-Former AHGM Anomaly

Edited by Anomaly

Current: DT M36 | Imperial RP GM III | ImperialRP Moderator
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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+ Support
- Cool
- Will add a New Aspect to Events


Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

Former | IC VCMR Sev | DT LTCOL SV02 | SHG SHGO Vacander Jax

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