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EMS Sub Department - Denied


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What you want to see? - A Fire Department I know the issue with that is the fires, I am not saying we should add fires to the server I think the fire department as a SUB department for EMS would be much more logical than a full on separate department. Here's some examples of what that sub department could bring to the server-

♥ Search and rescue 

♥ Assisting in talking down suspects to prevent a bigger situation 

♥ Assisting in Vehicle collisions

♥ Assisting people that are stuck

♥ Assisting EMS 

♥ Water rescue

♥ Air response (Not as needed but would be quite nice)

♥ Hazardous material response 

♥ And much more


Why should we add it? - Adds the ability for more RP and a new Sub department to join

What are the advantages of having this? - More engaging RP situations

Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

Links to any content - I can link some potential FD Models and Vehicles. 

♣ Models- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1919778146&searchtext=fire

♣ Trucks- https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1667769696

♣ Boat- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=975506888&searchtext=boat

♣ Air Heli- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2415969002&searchtext=air


Edited by CeCe

"A mistake repeated more than once is a decision"

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Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.

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〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

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