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Steve's CO App


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Thanks Bonez for giving me your endorsement to post this!


What is your name?:


What is your rank?:

Elite Pilot

How long have you been a NCO an NCO ?:

Over a week

What rank are you applying for?:

Aviation Officer

How many strikes do you have? If yes, for what?:


Why should we trust you with an Officer rank?:

I may be able to come up with 1000 reasons, but they wouldn't matter since the only thing that matters is the track record. I'm not known for minging or being a nuisance on the server. So far people found me to be reliable if anything. In the previous app, I said I used to be a GM, but I recovered the position by the way. I've been entrusted with serious responsibilities in the past and I haven't f'd up in that regard, I'm sure that this will won't be an exception. So, when it comes to trust, I think I've got all the bases covered.

What can you do to assist command the command staff with this rank?:

Oh, plenty of things! Like fixing grammar in documents or just making them richer in content. The number one thing in SF is the state of documents, they need a rework and I'm all in for that. Another thing as an officer I'd be able to do is to properly manage SF in a way an NCO cannot. That'd be dealing with promotions, spotting rising talent, managing NCOs, resolving internal issues... By the way, the bottom question kind of asks the same thing as this one since I'll just say all the things I could do as an officer here and will have to repeat that stuff down there. See? Even the app format could use a retouch. But yeah, my main quality is to actively search for things to improve and try to get them improved, hopefully, that's a thing you guys need over there. I can do the standard managing stuff too and threaten everyone with PTs if they don't listen (kidding). Also being able to do a flagup on Discord. Yeah Coolnic I'm going to do it again. And again. You won't stop me. I'd also say sims but I already do those as an NCO so not much would change in that regard.

What is the point of been being a officer an officer?:

The point is... To be able to manage a unit. There. How about we ask a different kind of question? What's the purpose of a Commissioned Officer? What's the purpose of you becoming a CO? Now we can write a whole paragraph explaining everything everyone already knows. Of course, being a CO comes with many responsibilities. As I said before in my NCO app, Officers plan for things to happen, and NCOs make things happen. That's how standard military works, but here it's a little bit different. Being an NCO feels like a training ground for CO. It's a period where you can show your superiors whether or not you are capable of doing their work. I'd like to believe I smashed that period with flying colors, although I made some minor mistakes here and there (like that flagup). But, whatever you were doing as an NCO, you will be doing as a CO, just more professionally and with more responsibilities. That includes recruiting people, managing people, managing internal affairs of the unit, hosting training/sims, beating people with sticks for being goofy, etc. But this time around, you have more power to reward or punish behaviors, unlike previously where all you could do was to call shock and hope that some officer will get on soon to help you deal with the rascal. Officers ultimately are what gives a unit "soul", arguably the most important role. And yes, there's paperwork too. Steadily increasing amount of paperwork.

What would happen if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him?:

I'll assume that officer is a higher rank than I am because it makes the scenario more interesting. Otherwise, I'd just tell him to stop, and if he didn't listen - call shock to arrest him for insubordination. But this time around, me telling him to stop might not be enough as he is my superior. I'd focus on encouraging NCOs to not follow orders of that officer as it will most definitely get them in trouble. If the officer wants to f around and find out, that's purely on him, but he shouldn't be dragging more people down with him. Once NCOs understand that there will be serious consequences for following dumb orders, that would leave the officer to deal with. Of course, I'd start with collecting evidence and immediately notifying our senior COs currently available (although preferably marshalls). They'd decide on how to proceed with the trouble maker and I'd follow that decision to a letter. Also, there's shock I can call in case the officer in question starts breaking imperial law as well.

Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last NCO rank?:


Additional notes

There isn't that much I can put in here that I didn't put in my NCO app. At the end of the day, it's all up to the current command team to decide whether or not I'm fit for this position, and I think my actions on the server speak more loudly than this app ever could. With that said, I'll leave this thing hanging around until the day arrives.



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-With the Way he acts the way he leads and the way he actually tries to undertake roles is amazing and it does not lack anything a leader has to offer.

-He is very competent and listens to orders precisely and executes them even better to give him a command role will do wonders for the SF battalion.

- He is very trusted and is a great applicant for this role.

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+ Support
 Very good Ive seen some good stuff from steve


Current: Starfighter Onyx Lead, Starfighter Senior Group Captain.  EX: Shock SSGT, CDT IV, Lord IV, 501st 2LT, 501st Arc, 501st PZ0. IC SSE SPC, DT Sentry Droid, Leading Crewman.

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+ Support 

-great guy and does amazing stuff for SF great NCO and could do really well in an Officer Role


Current: SF Vice Marshall Razor


EX: Nova Black Hole Squadron Officer CPT Razor , Purge Heavy Lead 1st LT Worth,

Med SSGT Worth

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