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a warn i seriously dont deserve!- Denied


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this link is the forum leading to my warn, i never noticed it therefore couldnt defend myself.

in this link you will find an extremely short clip which can very easily be taken out of context. in this case that is exactly what happened.

this guy disliked me bc i raided him a few times outside of the cool down each time!! he made a few sits in game leading to the mods/admins infroming him i was doing nothing wrong. so it seems like he was out for revenge on me. in this clip you will see what he claims is me building during a police raid. 

what it does not show is the cops were already at apartments i arrived after, running inside to dupe my base which i do there all the time they follow me and barge in as soon as i dupe. they begin shooting i instantly delete the dupe as it wouldve left them no way in if they had a valid situation. so i immediately delete the dupe ask them whats going on they talked with me a bit and apologized for having the wrong guy as it turns out they had a code red on a same skin. they thought i was someone eles. they apologized and went on their way. 

im typically real careful with playing by the rules. as you can see within my first few hours on the server i got 7 warns didnt know how to play was new to gmod completely, really found an interest in the game and started memorizing rules and climbing my way up inn diff departments... 

what the clip didnt show is as soon as cops barged in and started shooting i deleted the dupe and asked them what was going on, they had me confused with a same skin code red. they apologized. 

this guy brought this to forums with basically a 2 sec clip bc he disliked me bc i raided him a few times within the cool down. he got me pulled in multiple sits trying to get me in trouble but admins informed him everytime that ive done nothing wrong.. so this extremely short out of context clip is him trying to get revenge for me playing by the rules he didnt like.


i eagerly ask you to please consider removing this past warn from my account. i can assure you i dont deserve it.



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I am a platinum donator, soon to donate for custom skin class. i enjoy being in the SL family as well as organizations like SRT and was even thinking about trying out for a mod position soon all which have strict warn policies.. so i do worry about my warns. ive never attempted to apeal any of my first 7 bc i deserved them being completely new to gmod let alone gaminglight. but this one is different i seriously dont deserve this one. he was angry with me and took that situation way out of context or the clip would have showed eveything instead of being 2 seconds. 

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I see your point but you need to follow the format. 🙂

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