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Peacemaker's Officer Application


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What is your in-game name?

What is your current rank?
Master Sergeant (MSGT)

How long have you been in Shock?
Joined 3/28/24

How much time do you have on the server?
I have 13 weeks of playtime. I joined and started playing on 3/27/2021

Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer?

I believe I deserve the officer position because of my experience in the officer field. I plan to bring all my resources and knowledge to this officer core with the objective of teaching and collaborating with my comrades. I understand how the system works. I understand proper punishment expectations. I am confident with leading my regiment into a battle; I even ask to be ground command. I have a decent understanding of a Military Structure and how to remain professional when needed. 

Notable skills of mine are, credibility, leadership, management, staying calm and respectful, and most importantly responsibility. 

Credibility: Instead of being that guy and saying "Just trust me" I like to prove it through my actions. I have experience in Staffing, Gamemastering, and being in a Command role. I have proof of my hard work implemented on the server.

Leadership: I have gained and progressed my leadership skills through Inferno, Naval, and ISB: IA by leading all 3. I have to give a big thanks to the active Naval High Command at that time for providing me with a great example to follow.

Management: I probably have not been able to show this skill in front of the scenes but I helped manage Inferno Squad when it was a regiment for is last few months. The Inferno Command team more or less knew Inferno was being removed and gave up for the final 2 months. I was in a Major position doing promotions, demotions, doc work, Managing Meetings, and talking to High Command to keep the regiment stable. The only thing I didn't do was roster updates

Calm & respectful: I have only raised my voice twice on Gaminglight. If I am having a rough day I will communicate that to my peers. I try to be respectful to anyone that I meet. I don't like having enemies. With being respectful I keep a professionalism

Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position?

I feel I can be trusted in this position because I have held positions of higher power. I have been Past ISB:IA Chief Garrick Versio and a Vice Admiral. I am also currently holding a gamemaster rank meaning that I'm trusted with staff powers. During my time as the late Inferno Squad Iden Versio, I held the squad up for 9 months. My command simply told me that I couldn't get promoted because they couldn't find anyone who could replace me without the squad collapsing. I had an extreme amount of trust given to me when I ran the show of Inferno Squad. When I transferred over to ISB:IA I was in the spot of a brand new regiment that was given significant powers that I knew would change the server. I spent the next 4 months crafting documents for ISB:IA to make it run smoothly and cohesively with other regiments. I had many meetings with other regiments to make sure ISB:IA at that time wasn't stepping on anyone's feet. I did almost all of the disciplinary actions (other than High Command) within my regiment. I held my men to a higher standard and never lowered the bar for anyone.

If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't?

What you will get out of me is an erudite knowledge and understanding of officer expectations. Almost a year of experience being Major+. I will bring many resources with me to further collaborate with the command. To clarify I will bring a better understanding of how Shock can work with ISB:IA and Security officers, and other military knowledge. I understand as a Second Lieutenant I'm not assigned doc work but I have a long history of making documents and can easily assist or clear confusion when it comes to questions on how to do something. I have no warnings or strikes with this regiment. My name Krüvz is known on this server and doesn't bring up drama. I try to be a very drama-clean guy. I normally was within rank to settle drama so I never dealt with it. 

How active can you be?

Everyday when needed

Who Are the 2 Maj+ That Gave Permission?

Antinoff, Cans

Edit: Fixed some grammar errors.

Edited by Krüvz

Current: Shock ERUO MSGT Peacemaker SK619
Previous: Last Inferno Squad Iden Versio | Vice Admiral Krüvz | IF Senior Squad Lead Krüvz DIOIF | Imperial Security Bureau Internal Affairs Chief Garrick Versio | MC PRT CSM Khrushchev | IC Captain Niner

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+ Support 

Good app 

A lot of past experience

when I was under him as hask he went above and beyond with anything he did

overall he 100% deserves officer

Current: Imperial Commando's Commander Boss Creator of Epsilon Squad
Retired: Ω 1309 Niner Skirata 2x Ω 1136 Darman SkirataΩ 3222 Atin Skirata First Deputy Hazard SupervisorLast Demo Vice Lead  - IC Vice Commander 1140 Fixer 2x Admin Rusty First Ever ISB:IA Junior Operative - Last Naval Agent Gideon Hask IF2 DT V07- DT CPT EL9 - Shadow Guard VI Scythe - Shock CPT Rusty                                                             


                  "Crimson Squad has never existed"

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+ Support

Kruvz is a long time member of our community and always tries his hardest to complete his tasks above what is expected. This is also a high quality application. I can't wait to work with you again 🙂

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-Since Peacemaker's induction into the Shock NCO corps, I have been impressed with the way he carries himself. He has a good capacity to show iniative when required, and has a strong backbone; Both traits that are necessary to properly conduct the affairs of a Commissioned Officer.


~Shock First Lieutenant Humphrey/ISB Junior Operative Beckham,

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