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Lieutenant Colonel Reese's Purge Vice-Commander Application


Lieutenant Colonel Reese's Purge Vice-Commander Application  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be Purge Vice-Commander?

    • Yes (Tell me Why)
    • No (Tell me Why)

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :
Purge BSL LTCOL Reeses GS77

2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Purge Vice-Commander

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?
I want to become a Vice-Commander of Purge and IQ because ever since I have gotten back into the server, I have absolutely loved Purge for my time in the battalion and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. My love for Purge came out of the people in it. They showed me nothing but kindness when I joined and have not stopped since that point. I grew a community and a passion for the battalion and the people in it, they are my brothers and I care about them deeply and I want to be able to give them more as a Purge Vice-Commander making sure Purge is known as one of the best battalions on the server. I feel I have the competence, skills, trustworthiness, experience, and work ethic to be a member of Purge Command so that I can work alongside the other members of Command to bring Purge and IQ straight to the top. I also feel I am very approachable, always trying to help people and checking up on people to see how they are. At the end of the day this is a game and these are people. I want to be there for everyone if they are having a rough day or just need someone to talk to or even just a friend. As a Vice-Commander I feel I can bring so much more to the battalion as a whole wanting it to succeed to a tee being known as a battalion that is open to everyone. I also feel as if I can bring a more veteran type of ideology as I have been here for a couple years and I have seen what makes or breaks battalions wanting that to never happen to Purge and IQ

4. How much game time do you have on the server?


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?
The main purpose of a Commander to me is to be a friendly face that is there to help and manage the battalion working alongside the other Command members and Officers to reach a goal. The other purpose of a Commander is to be an approachable person that people should not be afraid to approach but a person they know that they can trust and look up to. To me a Commander is someone who has no ego and genuinely cares about the people and the battalion he is in so they work with many people in their branch to make it better than it can be. If that means coming up with new ideas for the branch, changing rules around, or even doing an entire overhaul for the battalion itself. A Command member is also tasked with doing roster updates and managing the roster to negate mix-ups within ranks. Every time I open discord I instantly look at the IQ roster updates to see who got promoted and what needs to be changed. Even though I am not a Command member I feel I can be a good roster worker that will update the roster going as far as to do roster purges (No pun intended) to make sure the people who are on the roster and that they are active and doing their job  with enough practice I could understand the website and how it operates which I would use to inform others who may not be as familiar with the website so they understand and could teach others how it works to continue the cycle of growth. A Command member is also someone who oversees all the operations within their battalion, they should also listen to everyone in their battalion no matter if they are an Officer, NCO, or even just an Enlisted. I believe everyone's opinion matters and that everyone should be informed on things so that they can have a say and an opinion. Lastly a Commander should be someone who is always looking to improve themselves, No one is perfect and I feel people should always strive to improve and give advice to those that want to improve. No matter if you are an enlisted or The Emperor, to me everyone has something they could improve on. As I stated before no one is gonna be perfect to a tee but I want to do my very best to get as close as possible so that I may help more people and teach them things that could help them in any form of life. 

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :
I feel as if I have what it takes to be a Command member because of my time and dedication to Gaminglight in general. I have quite a bit of time on Imperial RP along side the other game modes Gaminglight has to offer. I have the experience and the honesty to be trusted as a Purge Vice-Commander. I want to bring the server together and make more cool events like the Cal Kestis events (which I came up with the story and character) that were hosted by Resin, bringing more ideas to the table and working alongside with High Command and hopefully using some of their experience to learn and grow within the server and Command. I am a person without an ego, I genuinely care about the people I work with and when I see someone doing good, or they get promoted. I always make sure to congratulate them and make them feel good about themselves. I feel I have the patience to do very well as a Vice-Commander and be able to do the work efficiently that is tasked for you as a Command member. As a Non-Commissioned Officer I always enjoyed doing tryouts to try and recruit new members. Not many people showed up and I felt disappointed to complete my quota because I would rather get people into the battalion than just get my quota done and feel not accomplished. I also feel as an officer I have shown the necessary elements that make a good and competent Command member. Another reason I feel I can be trusted as a Command member is my activity. For me battalions get boring and stale if you don't see the Command members. Some may be busy with IRL things but I have seen people sit in their offices to avoid talking with people and interacting with the battalion. It just is not right in my book and is a huge insult to everyone as I feel Command members should be seen and heard as to minimize burnout among other things so that they can bring the battalion close together and be a family. Lastly I am one to own up to my mistakes. If I did something wrong, I am going to take responsibility for my actions whatever the punishment because I am truthful, and respectful to everyone around me as it has made me trusted with many positions in the past and present so I feel I am a good candidate for the next Purge Vice-Commander

Other Server RP Ranks:

StarwarsRP: Shock Commander X2, Shock Major X1, Jedi Master (2nd highest Jedi Rank) X1, Death Trooper Commander X1, Grand General X1, High General X1, Major General X1, Darth Vader X1, Director Krennic X1, Grand Moff Tarkin X1, Death Trooper Warrant Officer X1, and Second Sister X1

SCPRP: O5 Council Member X2, Chaos Insurgency General

Other Server Staff Ranks: Head Admin X3, Head of Staff, X1, Server Manager X2, Senior Moderator X2, Moderator X2, and Gamemaster

Gaminglights Servers RP Ranks:

StarwarsRP: Death Trooper First Sergeant, Naval Commander, Inferno Senior Agent, Nova Corporal, Lord II/Purge Sergeant First Class, Shock Sergeant Major, Imperial Security Bureau Junior Operative

SCPRP: Delta-5 2nd Lieutenant, Chaos Insurgency 2nd Lieutenant, Red Right Hand Guardian, Chaos Insurgency Master Sergeant, Security Warrant Officer

PoliceRP: PD Corporal, SRT Private

Gaminglights Servers Staff Ranks:

StarwarsRP: Trial Moderator X2, Trial Gamemaster X2

SCPRP: Senior Moderator, Event Team Member, Moderator X2


 7. How often can you be Online? :
2-3 or more hours usually everyday

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

Thank you for reading my Application! If there is anything I can improve on please let me know!



Edited by Reeses

Current Ranks: The Eighth Brother
Former Ranks: SCP RP: Former CI 2LT l  l Former D5 2LT l Former Senior Moderator l Former RRH Guardian Juliet 7 Level 100 Gang
Imperial RP: Former DT 1SGT l Former IF Senior Agent l Former Naval Commander 
Police RP: Former Police CPL l Former SRT PVT l Worst Police RP PVPER

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+ Suport 

- i have seen good work from him

- knows how to work with his nower ranks and new enlisted 

- is engaged in the battlion

 current- DT M36- GM Current Staff-SNRMOD
 former-Royal Guard XII Carol 501st HVYL Carol 501ST LTCOL Carol ST 2LT Carol Staff/GM team Former-MOD GM IIx2


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