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Roster change - Player system and comment system as well as a change to player hour system


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What do you want to see?: Make it to where if someone has resigned or has been removed from your battalion and they rejoin. That it does not move them from removed/resigned to private. This makes it harder on command and makes it a hassle to add a previous member of said battalion to the roster. Making it to where the battalion roster ONLY shows players specific hours on the lets say DT jobs where it only shows how many hours are on that battalion.

Why should we add it?: All of these changes would be a QOL update to the roster and it make it way easier on commands side of things as well as the players. These changes will make the roster system 5x Better then it currently is

What are the advantages of having this?: Makes it easier on command to update their roster with less hassle. Alongside this it shows officers to keep an eye on them. If we add the ability to completely remove comments it would be amazing rather then it just showing it crossed out and if your back on the main page it still shows they have that comment on them. if we make It to where it shows battalion specific hours instead of hours on every job it makes it easier to track and way easier on the command side of things.

Who is it mainly for?: Battalion Command

Links to any content: N/A

Edited by DT CMDR AX4

Current DT Commander AX4 

Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. 

However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas!

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