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Why did I get banned for this- Accepted


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Your name: Zpat

Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): zpat

Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136): 204400367289499649

Which discord server were you banned on? Gaminglight Official Discord

What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? "banned" 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned? I'm trying to ask a question and the response is getting banned. https://tickettool.xyz/direct?url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/765356799846907914/1194854647358300160/transcript-closed-1058.html?ex=65b1de1b&is=659f691b&hm=f0bc30545aaad97d6eeafb4b488c3358096996b351cd4cd35553829190fba8d5&

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- Support

Hi Zpat, both Support Advisor Matilda & I told you that Scor will not be answering your question 4 times (After Scor already told you himself).

You made a total of 6 support tickets requesting Scor to answer your question, in the first ticket he stated that he is unable to answer said question. 

The next 4 times were dealt with by Matilda & I, telling you that he will not be answering your question, to stop making tickets and to stop pinging Scor.

Finally on the 6th time, Head Admin Weiss banned you from the Discord for harassing SMT.

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