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What you want to see? -  Reduce the required game time from 20 hours to 10 hours.

Why should we add it? - Gmod is known to be prone to crashes and can put a significant strain on a computer. Decreasing the required playtime to 10 hours would help mitigate these issues.

What are the advantages of having this? - Reducing the playtime requirement to 10 hours could attract more players to the server. Many players already spend around 10 hours on the game, and this change would enable them to earn rewards more efficiently. Personally, I find that my Gmod often crashes when I attempt to AFK overnight to earn the daily store credit. While the credit could still be limited to one per day, reducing the required playtime to 10 hours would make it more feasible.

Who is it mainly for? - This change would benefit everyone in the server, particularly long-time users who currently do not receive sufficient incentives to continue playing.

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- Support

• this should be posted in the general suggestions(the first section on the forums list)

• The time requirement is also a way to boost the servers ratings on Battlemetrics and other server list sites. More players on for a long time daily = higher rating. (This is also why you never see anyone get kicked off any of the three servers unless absolutely necessary as kicking a player brings the ratings down)


Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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I believe the biggest reason this isn't a good idea is that this would double the amount earned by players, meaning those who afk all day every day instead of getting ~7 credits a week they are getting ~14 credits a week, a better suggestion if it is such a problem for your computer is to make 10 hours = .5 credit, that way you can still gain and still support the server.


 O                                                  O 


        (this is supposed to be a police car)        

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  • Manager

Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

〖  Lead Account Manager  〗

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