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Rob's Mining Suggestion - Denied

Mr. Rob

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What you want to see? - physicals mining location that players can go to in the outskirts areas to mine the basic resources like stone copper and silver and it would have the rust minigame mining feature and if the player successful hits each point it would drop more of that resource. Then that node would be broken and it would take 15 mins to regenerate. now with the pickaxe you guys could add a skill towards it and the skill will give faster breaktime and higher drop rates and a chance to high end resources. 

Why should we add it? - activities for players to do outside of there bases. 

What are the advantages of having this? -  adds more to do with mining and gives more reasons for players to leave there bases and do stuff. 

Who is it mainly for? - civs

Links to any content - example of mini game if you never seen it or forgot what it was. 




Retired: PD LT 1L57 | S.W.A.T.  MSGT XD5 

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+ Support

I Believe this is undergoing anyways and in the works of planning to have ore nodes around the map along with a pickaxe you can use to mine with as well as the current miners in the server now etc 👍

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21 hours ago, David said:

+ Support

Adds more things to do

also adds another way to make money

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On 8/22/2023 at 7:55 PM, Ecott said:

+ Support

I Believe this is undergoing anyways and in the works of planning to have ore nodes around the map along with a pickaxe you can use to mine with as well as the current miners in the server now etc 👍


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