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Senior Crewman AJ PO2 Application


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Rank and Name:

Senior Crewman AJ



Time in Naval:

I joined naval i believe on the 23rd of this month

Why i wish to become Petty Officer II:

I have over 5,500 hours playing on garrys mod servers, most of which have been on various types of serious and semi serious RP servers, especially on starwars servers.  In previous servers i have held positions in many different   regiments including NCO positions such as the once i am applying for now.  Having held these ranks in the past it has provided me with the experience necessary to carry out the dutes of the petty officer needed to successfully run navy to a high standard, which is essential given the role of navy and their importance.  Within my time spent on this server playing as navy, i have engaged with people who are both higher and lower rank than me through the likes of team speak which i use constantly which has helped me to build my reputation within navy,  which as an NCO having positive connections with both superiors and people lower rank is extremely important to communicate, especially through a chain of command type of structure.

Duties of the juniour officer:

Junior officers fall into the class of NCO, which is the second step within the chain of command.  Junior Officers have multiple dutiies, however the most important duty is to manage the enlisted men as the officers would expect, as this is how the chain of command works.  This means that the junior officers are expected to check the quality of the work of the enlisted men, assign the enlisted men duties if an officer has not, as they are often busy themselves, reporting to the officers the state of the navy if they are not informed along side many more tasks that relate to the chain of command and managing the enlisted men.  Junior officers are also responsible for recruiting new members of navy, teahcing them to a high quality on how to carry out the tasks that are required of them within the navy.  Junior officers also are to attend meetings where they recieve orders and updates from the officers on how they wish the navy to be run or any changes to be implimented to they can report the updates to the enlisted men to carry out.  The most important duty of the junior officer however is to be a role model for the enlisted men.  As enlisted men more commonly engage with junior officers, it is important to be a good role model so they can follow as you do to create a higher standard within the navy.

How i will assist the battalion as a junior officer:

Through my experience in starwars RP servers in the past, i have learned useful skill such as spreadsheet managing.  Simple tasks such as spreadsheet managing are a vital role in running a battalion smoothly to keep track of personel, which officers can often find difficult to get the time to do, these tasks i can do simply by being told, no need waste time guiding me through it.  Furthermore my past experience alone will assist the battalion as stated above i have learned over many thousands of hours how to be a good role model to the enlisted men and managing their tasks in game.  Furthermore, training i felt was too scripted, and i understand there is a handbook which needs to be followed, however during my training i felt some bits of information was left out, in my previous experience as well as following guides and handbooks for training i do not read them like a script, i get the information across in a more understandable and engaging way, and add pieces of information which i think is missing.  Finally the time in which i have to put into the server, im sure most people who play naval with me can agree i am very active, i attend almost all events and even play when there are little ammout of people and during downtime (as i live in the Uk) i can come on when other junior officers may not be able to.


Edited by -AJ-
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+Major Support
-Active Person,
- Great Guy
- Knows the Duties of a NCO really well and deserves this position.
- deserves this position a lot.

Edited by cmsomers58
  • Gaminglight Love 1

〖  ImperialRP 〗  BigBoy 

〖Ex:〗ISB Junior Operative | Sub Lieutenant BigBoy | DT CPL HE3 | Senior Security Officer | Aviation Officer | Shock 2LT | 501ST 2LT | Senior Officer (Police RP) 



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