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Seawards NCO Application


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What is your in game rank and name. Crewman Seaward

What is your STEAM ID?STEAM_0:0:606305277

How long have you been in Naval? I have been in the Imperial navy for a week now and I have found my true calling in life which is to help serve the Empire.

Why do you wish to become a Junior Officer? To lead our novice naval crewman to victory for The Empire and help light a path to greatness in the galaxy and help secure the Empires greatness in all sectors of the galaxy for peace and justice.

What are the duties of a Junior Officer? To train the next Generation of Naval officials and assist higher ranking naval officers in their duties to expand the Emperors great vision across the stars.

How will you assist the battalion as a Junior Officer?  By assisting the Imperial Navy to greatness and lead by example to the younger generations of the Imperial Navy and help train the next generation of naval cadets.






Edited by Seaward
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Short Application

Doesn't really say anything about Why he deserves the rank, or how he will assit. 

Overall the application doesn't go into detail about what you will do for Naval.

(If I see you edit this application I will re-read it and revise my -Support)

Good Luck!

Edited by Brand

Last Real Starfighter Marshall Brand


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