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Zeg's Omega-1 Command Application -Denied


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(Didn't want to go with any crazy fonts or colros as to make it easier to read!)

Name: Zeg (Also gone by Ectorith/Clank on other servers)

Current and former RP ranks (max of 3 of each: Security PVT (Although my playing time on this specific server has been relatively short, it does not diminish the reasons why I should be considered for acceptance. Allow me to emphasize that I have been an avid player of Garry's Mod for over seven years, actively engaging in SCP and other diverse serves throughout that time. However, my decision to join this server stems from a distinct motivation. I have chosen to depart from my previous server due to the prevalence of a negative and toxic community that ultimately diminished the enjoyment of the game. Seeking a more positive and fulfilling experience, I am eager to contribute to the growth and camaraderie of this server.)

Other Experiences: On another server, I had the privilege of serving as the Lieutenant Colonel of Nu-7 "Hammer Down," showcasing my leadership skills and capabilities. Additionally, I had the opportunity to serve in both E-11 and Omega-1, albeit for shorter durations. Although my playtime on this particular server may not reflect it, I possess a wealth of experience in SCP and various other servers.

SteamID: 76561199116143571

DiscordID: $ex#4097

Why do you want to be a command member?:

My desire to become a command member stems from a combination of factors and personal motivations. While I acknowledge that my presence on this server is relatively new, I aspire to establish a reputation as a capable and effective leader, much like I have achieved on another server. Whether or not I am granted a command position, my primary goal is to witness the thriving growth of this branch. It holds a special place in my heart, as it was the first MTF group I joined on another server, and observing its operations brings me immense joy. I am drawn to the challenge of starting from scratch and transforming something into a remarkable and flourishing entity. Similar to the sentiment expressed by a wise individual, "I came to Rome when it was a city of stone... and left it a city of marble," I am determined to leave a lasting impact on Omega-1. My commitment extends beyond personal gain, as I am genuinely driven to contribute to its development and success. By utilizing my leadership skills, fostering teamwork, and implementing effective strategies, I aim to elevate Omega-1 to new heights. I firmly believe that with dedication and perseverance, we can create a thriving and accomplished group that is admired by others


What skills and qualities makes you best fit to be Omega-1 Command?:

LEADERSHIP - As mentioned earlier, I have gained extensive leadership experience in a variety of settings, including online gaming communities, milsim operations, and even real-life situations (yes, surprisingly, I do have a life!). I spent approximately 3 months serving in the Omega-1 group before transitioning to E-11, where I served for about a month. However, when I received an offer to take on an officer position in Nu-7, I couldn't resist the opportunity. My previous experiences have equipped me with the necessary skills to lead effectively and efficiently. Through my involvement in milsim operations both in Arma and Garry's Mod, I have gained valuable experience in commanding multiple squads and executing missions with precision and swiftness. The role of a leader encompasses a wide range of responsibilities and requires specific qualities. A leader must possess the ability to provide guidance, motivation, and coordination to their team members to ensure the successful completion of tasks. In my leadership roles, I have consistently demonstrated the capacity to guide and direct individuals towards a common goal. I understand the importance of motivating team members, fostering a sense of unity and purpose, and ensuring that everyone is working in sync. Furthermore, effective coordination is crucial for achieving optimal results. As a leader, I have honed my skills in organizing and synchronizing the efforts of team members, enabling us to work seamlessly and efficiently. It is important to recognize that leadership extends beyond virtual environments and can be applied to real-life scenarios as well. The skills and qualities I have developed in gaming communities and milsim operations have provided a solid foundation for my leadership abilities in various settings. Overall, my experiences in leadership positions have equipped me with the necessary tools to guide and inspire others towards success. I am confident in my abilities to lead, motivate, and coordinate teams, utilizing the skills I have acquired through both gaming and real-life situations.

DESCISION MAKING - As a leader, I possess a unique ability to excel in high-stress situations where the stakes are high and failure is not an option. My decision-making prowess is founded upon a combination of analytical and critical thinking, problem-solving capabilities, risk assessment acumen, and unwavering confidence. These qualities enable me to navigate complex challenges and guide my team towards success with utmost efficiency. When confronted with intricate scenarios, my analytical thinking skills come to the forefront. I possess the capacity to dissect information, discern relevant factors, and consider multiple perspectives. This meticulous analysis allows me to make well-informed decisions that weigh the advantages and disadvantages of various options. By employing a logical approach, I can chart a clear course of action that maximizes the probability of success. Moreover, my aptitude for problem-solving plays a pivotal role in my decision-making process. I possess the ability to identify the underlying causes of problems, generate innovative solutions, and evaluate their feasibility. By thinking outside the box and embracing creativity, I can effectively tackle obstacles and devise strategies that lead to triumph. A key aspect of my decision-making expertise lies in my proficiency in risk assessment. I possess a discerning eye for evaluating potential risks and rewards, taking into account factors such as probability, impact, and potential mitigation strategies. This comprehensive evaluation enables me to make calculated decisions that minimize potential setbacks while capitalizing on advantageous opportunities. By striking a balance between caution and ambition, I can steer my team towards optimal outcomes. Confidence is an integral component of my leadership style. It fuels my decision-making process and allows me to make timely and assertive choices, even amidst intense pressure. I trust in my judgment and rely on my abilities to provide the necessary guidance and direction to my team. This unwavering confidence not only inspires trust and motivation within the group but also instills a sense of purpose and determination necessary to achieve our goals. In essence, my unique blend of analytical thinking, problem-solving aptitude, risk assessment proficiency, and unshakeable confidence sets me apart as a leader who thrives in challenging environments. By leveraging these strengths, I can make informed and efficient decisions, guiding my team towards victory while minimizing potential setbacks.

LOYALTY - Throughout my journey, I have always held steadfast to the value of loyalty, recognizing its paramount importance in fostering trust among friends, soldiers, and superiors. Loyalty forms the bedrock of solid relationships, enabling us to rely on one another wholeheartedly. Over the years, I have dedicated myself to giving nothing less than my utmost in order to uphold my reputation and secure positions of responsibility. In my view, loyalty serves as the very lifeblood that propels a group to thrive, facilitating seamless cooperation and harmonious operations. Without this vital ingredient, the collective strength and unity that underpin our endeavors would be greatly compromised.


On a scale of 1-10, how well do you know the Code of Ethics?: I'd say from a scale of 1-10 my knowledge would gauge around an 8. I still am studying the Code of Ethics specific to this server, but I have already spent time researching.

- Ectorith

Edited by Ectorith
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+/- Support 

The reasoning for + Is from what I see is the application is very well made i I don’t believe it was made with A1 due to some quotes and minor errors so this is all very human and I can tell you want even if you don’t get accepted to see it grow into something more. 
The reasoning  for the - is because simply I have not met you and you are a lower rank in this server and not apart of any MTF branch and I think that more time and more experience on this server will do good.

My personal view is neutral and I wish you luck with your application.

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Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Omega-1 Command Team and those above have decided to deny this application.

SCP-RP Head of Staff | Ethics Committee Chairman

Former Nu-7 VCMDR l Former GenSec CPT

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