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King / Niner's Imperial Commando Vice Commander 1140 Fixer Application


Am I fit for the position of Vice Commander?  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Am I fit for the position of Vice Commander?

    • Yes (Please Explain Why)
    • No (Please Explain Why)

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

IC OSLD DMLD Major 1309 Niner (Lore)

KingShob (Steam)

2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Vice Commander of the Imperial Commandos

Specifically IC Vice Commander 1140 'Fixer'



3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

I would like to be a Vice Commander of the Imperial Commandos as during my time within both Shock and IC, I have learned the required skill set needed in order to become a Vice Commander of a Battalion. I have garnered a good reputation with the people in IC, and I would like to be able to do more for them, and help the current Command team at the same time. As IC only has a Commander and one Vice Commander, I believe I would be a very good candidate to put in the position to assist them, I have demonstrated the ability to lead, and push my troopers to improve. I would love to be able to help them. Additionally, I love the camaraderie and respect everyone in IC has for each other, the battalion feels like a second family and I'd like nothing else but to be able to help expand and improve how we operate, I currently do my best as a Senior Officer and Squad Lead to ensure the enlisted are having an enjoyable experience, either by hosting fun sims and trainings or just by giving them a good laugh, and I'd like to be able to do more for them. If I got the role as Vice Commander, I would put 110% into making sure I'm doing the job exceptionally well, and would like to be able to create new ideas for the battalion and assist the Command team with the tasks given, and help officers as needed. I also would like to get the position of Fixer so that I can work on improving Omega Squad more than I can currently as Niner, I love the ability to work in tight-knit squads alongside the main forces, and I would like to be able to improve them to be the best they are able to be.



4. How much game time do you have on the server?

I currently have ~689 hours, on server it lists 2 Weeks as my in-game time.




5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The main purpose of a Commander within a Battalion is to ensure the battalion is operating at its best. They are a foundation for the members of their battalion and are there to hold the battalion together, without a Command team, a battalion will not have stability, they are crucial to oversee the battalion's operations and duties while managing the members in order to keep the battalion in a good place. Commanders are supposed to be the perfect example for the troopers of their battalion to look up to, they are meant to know the ins and outs of their battalion entirely and are expected to know how to lead effectively. 



6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I can be trusted to be a Vice Commander of the Imperial Commando battalion as I have shown my ability to lead not only as an Officer, and more so Senior Officer, but as well as the Omega Squad Lead 'Niner", and Demolitions Lead. I also have had prior experience in the 69th Medical Corps as a 1LT, and Shock Security as a HVYAL and LT COL. In IC, I put absolute effort into going beyond the expectations of myself. I believe that as an Officer and Squad Lead, I've learned to be a leader really well, I have put my 110% into being an NCO, Officer, and Squad Lead and would not drop any effort if I were to become a Vice Commander. I also believe that I am a very trustworthy and helpful person. I do my best to help anyone in or out of IC to the best of my ability when they ask a question or need help with anything. I try to be as respectful and polite to everyone on the server, as well I am ready and able to help and to take this responsibility, with that being said, I guarantee that as Vice Commander within the Commandos I will not disappoint, and I will strive to complete everything required of me as soon as possible with great effort. I understand in my past I left Shock in a really poor way, however, I have since become more professional, and I believe I deserve a second chance.


There are 3 Main Reasons why I believe I can be trusted for Vice Commander:


1. I am currently the Squad Lead for Omega Squad, being IC's most respected and elite Squad, both myself and the members of my squad are held to a 1 strike system, we are expected to be respectful and professional at all times. I ensure all members of Omega Squad are acting as they are expected and push for them to develop their skills through a plethora of training. As Omega, we are expected to be the role models for the other troopers, and I believe that I fulfil that expectation.


2. I am currently the Demolitions Lead within the Imperial Commandos. As Demolitions Lead, I have worked alongside the Scout Snipers, Crimson Squad, and Command Team to ensure the people that deserve their place as Demolitions Seniors have them, and I hold the people within my Demos to a higher standard than regular IC.


3. I have had prior experience in Senior Officer and leadership positions. Alongside currently being a Major, I have had prior experience as a 1LT in the 69th Medical Corps, as well as being the HVYAL and a LT COL within the Shock Security Battalion. I have a deep understanding of how to lead effectively, and I believe I am ready to take it up a notch to leading a battalion. I understand my rocky past within Shock, specifically when I left, but I can assure you that I have grown and I have become a better person since then, with that being said, I completely understand if that is held against me.



7. How often can you be Online? :

I can be active a minimum of once every two days, however, I aim to be online everyday.

I am also always available on Discord.



8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

I have 0 Warnings throughout ALL the Gaminglight servers as well as no strikes within any battalion I have been a part of.


Thank you for taking the time to read this Application!

Ex-Imperial Commando Vice Commander Δ 1140 Fixer (x2)
Co-Creator of the Imperial Commando Hazard Control Division
Former Blacklisted Member!!! (for like 2 hours cause beckett a goat frfr)

Former: First EVER IC Hazard Supervisor | IC Ω OSLD HS Colonel 1309 Niner (x2) Last EVER IC Demo LeadIC CST MaroonISB: IA Junior Operative ISB11 | Shock HVYAL LTCOL SK277 | Inferno Squad Agent IF27 | 69th RCCS 1LT 2711 Nova  SSGT | 501st HVY SGT 2770

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- I believe he is the best for fixer

- Have seen him do really good and is active and wants what is best for the battalion

- I respect him alot as an officer and believe he got what it takes to be a vice commander

  • Like 2

Current: IC © 1LT 4560 Gren - Operative Nemesis

Former: IC Vice Commander Scorch - IC © 4457 Reaper IC © 4561 Maroon - DT Officer -

- IF Head Agent - DT NCO - SO CPO - DT OFFICER - IC Officer -


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- I believe he is the best Candidate for fixer.

- I have seen the work he has done as demo Lead, And as Niner.

- Solid Application, answers all questions with due diligence and to the most of his ability.
Overall I would be Glad to serve under King as Fixer.

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-Always extremely professional, never had any problems and is always respectful to all troopers

-Extremely dedicated to his battalion, respects his troops and has always shown a lot of care and commitment to his roles/positions

-Great app, proves his worth and gives solid reasons as to why he should be trusted


  • Like 1
  • Heart-Eyes 1




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On 4/23/2023 at 12:18 PM, Dr.Offen said:


- I believe he is the best for fixer

- Have seen him do really good and is active and wants what is best for the battalion

- I respect him alot as an officer and believe he got what it takes to be a vice commander


  • Like 2

Previously: IC CSS 2LT 4568 Blu, Junior Operative Laser, Moderator Laser


Current: IC DME CPL 2437 Laser, Senior Crewman Laser

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On 4/23/2023 at 11:18 AM, Dr.Offen said:


- I believe he is the best for fixer

- Have seen him do really good and is active and wants what is best for the battalion

- I respect him a lot as an officer and believe he got what it takes to be a vice commander

Current: IC OST 1SGT 8015 Fi | ARC SFC Phoenix 07
Former: IC CSVL 1LT 4560 Gren

  • Heart-Eyes 1

Current: Ω LTCOL 8015 Fi Skirata & DT MSGT PH0

Ex: IC CSVL CPT GREN | 501st ARCL CPT Blitz 

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- I believe he is the best for fixer

- Have seen him do really good and is active and wants what is best for the battalion

- I respect him alot as an officer and believe he got what it takes to be a vice commander

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On 4/24/2023 at 11:42 PM, Andersfel said:


-Always extremely professional, never had any problems and is always respectful to all troopers

-Extremely dedicated to his battalion, respects his troops and has always shown a lot of care and commitment to his roles/positions

-Great app, proves his worth and gives solid reasons as to why he should be trusted



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Current: Retired Member
Former: Security SFTO 2LT Mork, WD-V Eqvites Cassius WRDN, Juggernaut Squire Mork NOG, Advanced Researcher Mork, PU-HAL-P.9.0.0, Purge 2LT Mork, Last Inferno Squad ID10, Nova LCPL Mark, Admin Mork, Deputy Chief Mork, First Ever Recruited ISB:IA Member

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Congratulations! Please speak with a Brigadier General+ within Army for training. 

  • Heart-Eyes 1

Current: High General | IMPRP-Lead Admin | Head Gamemaster
Previous: Shock Commander | Pyke Senior Commander

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