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Found 1 result

  1. MTIn-Game Name: Train Overlord SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789): STEAM_0:0:95000511 What is your ULX Rank?: Moderator / Member What is your RP Rank?: MTF NU7 LCPL What is your timezone?: AEST How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 8 Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): Negative. How Active are you? (1/10): 6-8 depending on the day. How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 0. Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: Few reasons, Timezone: I suppose the best place to start is my timezone and the issues it brings along. The AEST timezone is in a pretty bad condition with an average player count of about 20 with the max being 40 being primarily the early morning of the majority of the server’s player base. While I am sure, there are worst areas. There is a severe lack of not only Staff (usually being the same three rotating duties) there is an even worse lack of Event Team Members. Because of the shortening of ETM events are pretty much non-existent. While this is no one's fault as timezones are probably the hardest barrier to any server and new players joining during this time may be turned off by the lack of things to do. In this time zone, there are no trainers to promote Security or MTF to get into such a progression in general in this time is slow (an example of this I been a Moderator since the 8thhowever I been unable to get my rank to be adjusted from the lack of available people). If I were to be recruited into the EMT and progress I would aim to fix this to the best of my ability while I can't fix the training at the moment, I will be able to provide activity and dedication to the server and team providing entertainment and small events when required during these dark times to hopefully give some entertainment consistently to the player base of the AEST and generally keeping them happy after training under the wing of others. Quick note to say here, if you haven't seen or know me there is a high chance its because of my timezone, not being in the same playing time and not because of my general activity on the server as I usually spend 2-3 hours on per day and given the separation of the different timezones is unsurprising that some may believe I am unactive and I would like to assure you that is not the case. Creative thinking and general Skills: I have strong confidence in my abilities in creative thinking and my general skills, and I consider this to be my strong suit. My mindset is often one of a planner and something I enjoy. Planning and making events naturally requires plenty of advanced planning. My active imagination will be beneficial to create new, exciting, and unique events for our server. If I was to become an ETM, I could put these skills into action by utilizing them to design and put the event into play and maintaining it. Failure to properly plan an event can lead to chaos. But driving away from planning and creative thinking, being an ETM requires other skills as well such as dedication, motivation communication along with others. It doesn't take a Security Trainee to know that managing Event Characters and making sure the event plays out smoothly is an easy task to some, and having efficient communication with them consistently is critical. Improving and improvising are also crucial as if events don't play out as desired having the ability to either steer it or change it to fit the new situation and keep the event in shape is very much beneficial. Personality Ah yes, finally we have my personality. I see myself as an outgoing player who socializes with the other players, and I encounter having a quite joyful carefree vibe during sits as Staff. But despite this, I have the ability to play a more serious personality when required or dealing with players which can usefully play into being an ETM while being passionate in other areas such as management, communication, and social playing. I find myself to be an open player joining in conversations when invited or open and always willing to involve others. Maturity is a line which needs to be maintained when required striking a balance between the joyful personality and seriousness in situations where it's needed such as being a role model for others or dealing with uncooperative players. Having a good personality is essential for communicating with other ETM or event characters as if you are negative or generally unpleasant you will only receive it back, and those with a temper won't be able to correctly manage events if something was to turn up unexpectedly or met with opposition something which I do NOT process is a temper. I believe my personality is an excellent match to an ETM enjoying and begin Social, outgoing, easy-going, planning personality, and a calm head adjusting to new situations adapting to the challenges given to me. Describe an event you could create (The more specific, the better): This event would be called 'We are all broken to God." Organizations / special people involved: - 05 - SCP-053 - The Church of the Broken God - SCP-079 - SCP-682 Event Character adjustments / load outs: (these can be changed to reflect the amount of security on) The Church of the Broken God Members (1st wave) 4-6 Members - 350 HP, 100 Armor Loadout: Assault Rifle (which one is up to them), one sidearm pistol, Smoke grenade x2, grenade x3, (2 of them can be 'medic's' where they will have medical equipment but will only have a pistol as their primary gun) The church of the broken God members (2nd wave) - 4 Members and 2 Heavies - Regular member: 250 HP, 100 Armor - Heavy: 450hp, 50 Armor Regular members loadout: Two ANY Primary weapons (exception of heavy weaponry), 1 regular grenade (One of them can be a medic) Heavy loadout: Nevgev, 3 grenades, 2 smoke grenades (Must be walking at all times) SCP-053 HP: 500 Story: Its another day in the Foundation where all MTF forces are contacted by O5 to a small briefing (Highest ranking on). During the briefing, the MTF will learn that SCP-053 will soon be transported to our Site with the intention of using SCP-053 to ask SCP-682 Questions. The meeting is over, and everything goes back to normal for a short period. MTF is then contacted by the Pilot of a Foundation plane disguised as a civilian helicopter which will make arrangements to land and drop off SCP-053. When insight, suddenly another helicopter/plane will appear and shoot the Foundation down and the helicopter will crash near the helipad and then the hostile helicopter will land next to the crash and deploying forces. These forces belong to the Church of the Broken God. These forces will introduce themselves and label the Foundation as "heretics," and that SCP-053 belongs to "the holy one." These forces will set them themselves up around the crash and make arrangements to EVAC them and 053. SCP-053 is free to do what she pleases, and her anomalous nature is still present. Personal who view her for an extended period (to be decided to suit the game) will eventually die by suicide or attacking others (monitored by me, other ETM or officers) This is where MTF OR CI can deploy themselves to attempt to retake the crash and secure SCP-053. They can have a little gunfight to which ultimately either MTF or CI will secure 053. SCP-053 will be in a crate which towards the end, she can crawl out and start to act on her own (Cry, run away, etc.). Once MTF secures 053 or the CI gain her (they will need to figure out a way to dodge her abilities), another pilot will contact the foundation saying the test is canceled and will be sending another Pilot to remove 053 and take her away but will take some time and to keep her safe / get her back until they arrive. If CI manages to secure 053 instead of the intended target (MTF) the below events will be adjusted to fit the unexpected outcome as most of it is focused on the foundation as the helicopter will crash on the opposite side of the CI and because of this, CI having any part in this event is quite low although possible. Shortly after securing 053. The foundation or CI can have a short break to passively RP with SCP-053 being that she isn't a SCP in the server some passive RP with her can be enjoyed. After some time passes the foundation will be notified of a impending 2nd wave of Broken God Members and once again another wave of Broken God members will be sent into the facility or the CI base (depending who gets her) with the goal of A): Securing 053 B): Activating RDC (079) (if in foundation) These members are more heavily armed than the previous guys. This can split in two or more ways, depending on their actions. A): The Broken god members manage to activate RDC. SCP-079 would then be free to assist 682, 053 and all other SCP's (and Broken God if it chooses), 079 can also notify 682 of SCP-053’s current action. 682 will grow in rage and as a response will have additional HP to make him more of a threat for both sides (or negate tranqs). 682 will join in on the fight to save SCP-053 from both sides. B): Broken God members fail to release 079 or get 053. C): MTF fail to get 053 from CI (if CI gets her) If MTF Manages to repel the Broken God and contain 079 and 682 or Broken God Members fail their objectives, once everything calms down. Another Helicopter will appear to bring 053 off Site and away which will conclude the event. If the Broken God manages to capture 053 and bring her to an EZ on the surface, they will be picked up and take 053 away which may lead to a further event to recapture her. If CI manage to capture 053 (somehow) and survive against all the attacks, they will be contacted by CI Command and a helicopter will take her away in CI hands. Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes. What is your favorite SCP? Why? This is a pretty tricky question. I have my favorite SCPS, but they are my favorite in different categories. I suppose I will pick one at random and say SCP-2316. This is my favorite as its rich in terms of lore and expansion. The tone, the hidden secrets, the ties with other SCPS is so well done. It uses two of the most annoying things of the Site yet does it in an excellent way the REDACTED and cogitohazard areas are performed are so well done and used in a superb way where it's not annoying. Most SCP’s tend to keep the history of the SCP secret in a way to keep a mysteries factor of the SCP while SCP-2316 openly gives you a rich history with the class of 76 and a basic timeline. Giving an SCP history on its nature is a massive risk as failing to meet expectations can ruin the entire SCP but SCP-2316 doesn't fail, and the background blows the SCP through the roof while keeping some parts a mystery which only draws me closer. Finding the secrets hidden in the page was a real treat consistently giving me questions which, when answered did so amazingly. The mysteries of what the Foundation may have done to this class to create SCP-2316 and what happened to those poor Students is breathtaking, and implants doubt into me on the Foundation. It's difficult to explain just how amazing it is.
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