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Found 2 results

  1. Name: Luci Rank: LR SCPs: 008, 939, 106 and 035 Who was with you?: Nobody. Point of the test: Seeing if we can improve the effect of 939s amnestics if we contain it with different anomalous samples Observations: [Combination of SCP-939s amnestics with SCP-008 samples] When SCP-939s amnestics (Designated SCP-939-AM) was combined with SCP-008 the SCP-008 samples started to form a ring around SCP-939-AM compressing further and further, eventually reaching their maximum density at which point it started to form a black hole that disappeared shortly after due to hawking radiation. If a d class is exposed to the mixture before it reaches its max density, the D class will breath in the samples and get crushed from the inside. This "crushing" happens over a time period of 1.2 minutes and has a 98% fatality rate. Any non-living object that comes in contact with the mixture will get engulfed by it and get crushed under the extreme density. [Combinations of SCP-939-AM with SCP-106-1 samples] Opon Contact the samples repulsed each other. 5 minutes after the repulsion the all SCP-939-AM samples started to cool down to a temperature of -24°C and starting to liquify this has caused SCP-939-1 and SCP-939-2 to swim out of their chamber by using the created liquid and breach containment Killin 23 Foundation Personnel. 2 minutes after said Liquefaction all SCP-106-1 samples started to transform into a gas state causing it to leak out through a crack in SCP-106s chamber and fill the containment room. After 3 more minutes the matter started to collect itself on the right wall of the containment room causing SCP-106 to emerge from it. after SCP-106 was emerged from the SCP-106-1 gas SCP-106-1 started to form around SCP-106 acting like a shield against any physical attacks(including Tesla gates and the Micro HID). SCP-939-AM and SCP-106-1 are NEVER to be brought near each other as this breach evidently resulted in 76 Foundation Casualties 2 SCP casualties and 32 CI casualties. [Combination of SCP-939-AM with SCP-035-3] Opon Combination of SCP-939-AM with SCP-035-3, SCP-035-3 started to transform into a gas state changing its temperature to 18°C to match the temperature of the SCP-939-AM sample. The gas SCP-035-3 had the amnestic capabilities of SCP-939-AM while keeping its Corrosive abilities. The substance started to melt the filters in the main ventilation system and started to Melt Foundation personnel with an Acidic resistance under 3 resulting in an unknown number of foundation casualties and melting a part of SCP-173.
  2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YxpN2xq76sP25ZFK9cUiNzsubWRZdKyxeSt1FE4yTW4/edit?usp=drivesdk
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