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Found 1 result

  1. Nu-7 Rank (Must be SGT+): SGT Level (Must be 65+): 75 If you have any Branch Strikes/Punishments, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): Previous removal from Nu7 due to inactivity Why do you think you are worthy of receiving Explosive Specialist? (80+ word minimum): One reason is I’ve dealt with explosives classes for quite a while. For as long as I have remembered I’ve had the MTF job pack, which for a while in my last Nu7 voyage, had the nitro glycerin. This was basically a throw able nuke, but for some lag reasons, had to be removed. Another reason I am worthy is because I’ve got experience with having to deal with excessive amounts of bullet drop (because of Minecraft bow mechanics surprisingly). For a final point, it’s experience. While right now I may just be a SGT, in my previous run I made it to MSGT and the people that were around my rank, have made it to higher ranks like LTCOL (Kindred). Explain how you would utilize Explosive Specialist to the best of your ability? (65+ word minimum): There are many ways in which I would utilize it, one being in areas where there are a lot of grouped up GOI. Instead of treating it like a normal weapon, I would treat it as a 2-Use nuclear device that should only be used on large groups of people, and where it is essential to NOT hit friendlies. Another rarer case is to completely annihilate a horde of D-Class if there is an excessive amount of armed ones. A CI raid has been called at Gate A, you're on Explosives Specialist - what do you do? This can vary from person to person, but give your best answer: First, I would attempt to squad up with 1-2 other Nu7, then depending if they are grouped up or not, prepare and have your grenade launcher at the ready. If you do end up killing the CI group, then return to whichever gate they came from and close it. Have you read the Explosive Specialist Rules, and do you agree to abide by them? This should never be no: Yes, in the SOP and MOTD.
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