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Found 3 results

  1. What is your in-game name? Dallas What is your current rank? SFC How much time do you have on the server`? 1 Week and a couple days of play time Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer? I Have been one of the most active members of shock recently and have been on every day. I have basically dedicated all my time on the server to shock and don't want that to change I always try my best and work hard for shock and want to one day become a renowned member of Shock. Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position? I am a very dedicated member of shock and have always tried to be serious when it comes to shock, I try my hardest on shock because it is my favorite Battalion and it is my goal to become a high rank in it. I have never gotten a strike and never plan to, I always try to listen to orders and do everything the way it is supposed to be done. If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't? I can be a very dedicated and active Officer, I am on basically whenever I get the chance and when I'm not its never for more than a day and of course I will be able to help shock in any way possible. How active can you be? Very active, I basically never have anything going on so I can be on whenever needed.
  2. What is your in-game name? Subway What is your current rank? 1SGT How much time do you have on the server`? 3 weeks in game but have been with the server for at least 4 months maybe more. Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer? when i first joined shock i was known to be a minge and general milford didnt think i should have gotten a tryout at all, throughout my time in shock i have become a very respectable part of the battalion also the sub battalion STF. when there was no STF lead i stepped up even though i wasnt a lead or assistant lead and i hosted tryouts multiple times because i wanted my sub battalion to stay active and before i went on loa i knew i need to get as many STF as i could. So thats exactly what i did i hosted probably the most STF tryouts that have ever been hosted because even though my sub battalion isnt that great, having more people and having a strong reputation and showing of people in the sub battalion could keep it alive. whenever i do something that i really care about which is the shock battalion in this case i always perform to my max ability and i love all the people i have met through shock even though when i joined we were in a rough patch and were going through vice commanders like taco bell goes through my digestive system i was there to do whatever i could to make the shock battalion better and give all people who are in shock a better reputation on the isd. Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position? my time on the ISD has included the following. being apart of the royal guard and learning valuable responsibility lessons there and now i am a high ranking Shadow guard and people know i have a natural leader aspect so when they have problems they come to me also since i am a staff member i know the responsibility and care that comes with the title 2ndLT. i feel i can be trusted with this position because most people who know me and have been in a battalion with me can vouch for me that when i am put to the test the hard stuff doesnt faze me i am a D1 college athlete so i know when its time to be serious and i know when it is an appropriate time to goof off also even though i am not assistant lead in STF most of the high ranking STF members are on LOA so i take on the Role of doing trainings for STF doing Sims and so on so i think if i can manage my STF members and keep my sub battalion strong why wouldnt i be trust worthy with an officer position If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't? if i get chosen for this position i will do the following. first thing would be to hold my other shock members to the same standards i would myself because in the sop it states shock is supposed to be one of the most serious battalions on the ship and we have been having a problem with that and everyone who knows me knows iam not and aggressive person so even if it was a CPT or a higher ranking member than me maybe got out of line and did something minge i would respectfully in my calm soothing voice just ease that person back on the right track. another thing i can bring along with holding my fellow shock to a high standard would be to bring a little bit more discipline into play my time in royal guard has really shown me what it means to have discipline and what it means to be in the battalion and all the things that come with it we are tasked with the most important jobs on the ship and for that you need to go through very very hard training especially when your a shadow guard like i am. iam not trying to boast about any positions i have on the ship i just want to get the word out that iam a very responsible person and you can hold me to it i follow orders and can also discipline respectfully i know how to handle things thats why iam apart of staff. another thing i can bring to the battalion includes determination. my entire life i have struggled with learning because i have disgraphia thats why these paragraphs your reading probably have alot of punctuation errors and run on sentences but atleast i am willing to put forth my best effort. putting aside the fact that its embarassing to have people read my writing because its so bad. but in conclusion i can bring alot to the battalion and i hope you could have me as an officer. How active can you be? 5-10 hrs a day depending on work and school and sports
  3. 1. What is your IGN? (In-Game-Name) : 69th EMS COL Sega 1749 2. What Regiment are you applying for? 69th Medical corps commander 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? (100 Words) The reason I want to be a commander is that I feel this battalion is right for me, and how bear (the recently resigned commander) said he'd love to see me at a commander position! plus Slade who was also recently VCMDR left there is no commanders. I feel I do a good job as a medic and I plan to help the troops out in any way I can. I want to be a part of the community and I feel that this is the best way to do so! I feel being a commander will help in a big way, I want to lead the medics and spread the legacy of my previous commander. The final reason I wish to be a commander for the medics is that it will be fun being able to RP with my fellow medics and help lead them to be the best medic that they can be! 4. How much game time do you have on the server? I’ve been here since it come out! 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? (100 Words) The purpose of a commander is to command your troopers and lead them onto the path to victory! Your troops are the most important thing in the battalion. Most of all you must be kind but fair to your troops... You can be the nicest guy but you still need to discipline certain troopers. One of the big ones is to keep your troops in line! If they get a bit mingy it's up to the commander to put that trooper in their place! Lastly, the commander is someone you can rely on! You can always take heart in knowing your commander will be there for you if you need something! 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :(60 Words) The reason you should trust me to be a commander is that I genuinely want to be a part of this community and have fun! I’ve been here for a while and seen so many people and had so much fun RPing and saving people's lives! I mean if I was doing a bad job as a medic I don't think I would be here right now. 7. How often can you be Online? : On weekdays, I get on at around 2-3 pm. on weekends, I can be on in the afternoon or early morning depending on if I was up late the night before. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : No, I have no warnings.
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