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Found 1 result

  1. Cogs

    A broken Cog

    Hello folks, i know this seems a little sudden but, my time has come! I've been burned out ever since i was low command and the only thing i loved about R&D was the people and its progress. I am proud to serve as it's 2nd HOR of the new R&D. To see R&D grow into a monster of an RP branch, beating out other RP branches almost daily! Sadly, i know this wasn't because of me, as i grew lazy and moronic, i sadly failed to lead my branch. But to all R&D, new, present, or old, know this, CI R&D will one day grow bigger than research, making it one of the powerhouses of the server! Now on the mentions part, which btw, is long as hell SMT- Iggy- Seemed like a chill guy, laughed my ass off when you and dang yelled at each other Rang: Thanks for making me admin! Sorry i sucked at it though, you seemed like a funny guy, but scary too Catsro: A huge inspiration to me, as i looked through old records of SRIC Catsro. Rookie: My fav SMT! Kind, fair, and overall amazing, good luck on Head of staff in the future! JMT- Rektify: Stinko Phill: Long time comrade, ever since i knew you as HOJ, you've been a role model, and a good friend. Still sucks at baro tho Friends- Zeus: I didn't like you at first, as you beat me in every staff rank, but i know you as a good friend. Good luck on DoTF! Crabbo: Known you since the start, thanks for making me smile. But still fuck off Sixx: Dumbass inactive 1LT. Great HOS tho! Sinnik: Helped me with everything, thanks bb! Creamey: Love you bb! Assassin: Could've been HOS smh Jack Crest: Best jack DoL Jack: Dumby Bori: Great friend, hope you get DoL! Wanted: Hope you get Major! Bread: I hope your okay man. We all care bout you so much. Hope you get Super Admin Jay: learn to spell. CI Cool kids Skela: Huge Inspiration to me. Thanks for everything, sorry for being as quiet as i was. When you get O5, don't forget bout R&D! Orange: Amazing General, got a bunch of shit done! Vinder: Good luck man! Kevi: Great work man, keep it up! Mary: Smh, you were gonna be Neo's pupil Kami: The person who promoted me for the first time. Good luck with everything! Apple: hey apple, hey apple, hey apple Dakota: Cutie~ Evil: Cringey as hell Protoge: Woh Donwood: COME BACK BABYYYYYyy Protoss: The guy who trained me, Hope work goes well Dang: Bruv, Amazing leader in R&D, and an overall great guy! Neo: One of my best friends on the server, knew him since he was a SR. Once you become HOR, do better than i ever could and get SA! Heres a message to all of CI. No matter how much the server or people get you down, keep your chin up, and good things will happen. Make sure to host a huge raid for me next morning! Show the foundation that the only constant in life, is Chaos. And now, the end is near And so I face the final curtain My friends, I'll say it clear I'll state my case of which I'm certain I've lived a life that's full I traveled each and every highway But more, much more than this I did it my way Regrets, I've had a few But then again, too few to mention I did what I had to do And saw it through without exemption I planned each chartered course Each careful step along the byway But more, much more than this I did it my way Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew But through it all, when there was doubt I ate it up and spit it out I faced it all and I stood tall And did it my way I bid you adieu!
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