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Found 2 results

  1. Name Zack Corbin Current Rank Researcher Who else was with you? Lead Researcher Luci SCP's Involved 343 & 076-2 AKA ABEL Point of Experiment to see how Both 343 AKA "god" & Abel react upon seeing each other. Risk's/Precautions: 076-1 Is a very violent SCP His pure hatred for humanity has caused him to go enraged usually upon leaving his Coffin & then going on to massacre many members of MTF GenSEC & Overall just important personnel to the foundation. Attempts to contain 076-2 doesn't seem to ever work for his strength is horridly strong almost like a comic book superhero, more so is his seemingly infinite amount of weapons he can pull from those portal he create. Meanwhile on the other hand is SCP 343 is an omnipotent being who beyond all else should be considered a Keter class level being just due to his overall power alone. However he is seemingly always willing to listen and sometimes even aid the foundation that & the fact he contains himself willingly is also a benefit to us for I would fear how how'd react if his alignment was anything but good but even this can be a façade. However due to knowing Abels hatred and seeming eagerness for blood Me & LR Luci had attached a single Recorder to 343's chest. for us to listen & NOT enrage Abel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corbin's First Notes Observation 1# Upon telling 343 of our request he seemed pleased with what we suggested. Luci & I looked at each other confused for a moment then asked if he knew what or who 076 was however 343 refused to comment further. Observation 2# Abel was seemingly very calm upon approaching his cell. he wasn't rampaging. It seems this is one of his calm moments.. this is good! we shouldn't have any problems then ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULL REPORT I suggested this Experiment idea to LR Luci! her lit up quickly upon my explanation of this idea. She quickly agreed this would be a fascinating experiment to say the very least and we quickly went our way. We first stopped by the Safe class area. There we found 343 sitting idly on the chairs having a conversation with SCP 527! We didn't catch anything they where saying, it seemed we walked in just as they where finishing up their conversation. 343 Greeted us warmly with a gentle smile and asked how he may assist us. I slowly stepped forward and asked if he would be willing to take part in an experiment we wished to try, he quickly agreed! He didn't however ask us who he would be visiting today. I should've probably guessed who we we're going to see. Luci however informed him of the test idea anyways, 343 seemed more pleased at this idea. We did not question further we just went towards HCZ. Upon Arriving to Abel's containment we attached the camera to 343's suit jacket. He simply smiled then bowed as he then vanished! we weren't even in the room yet! We quickly got the device Recording fearful of maybe we missing the conversation! [ go see audio logs go to Addendum 1!] We listened to the conversation for approximately three minutes. Thing's seemingly began to escalate quickly! As Abel was seemingly becoming more & more enraged! Then Static! We simply waited though was afraid Abel was about to breach! Just as we where about to call MTF 343 appeared next to us his hands behind his back as he was shaking his head and clicking his tongue. He spoke about what a poor boy Abel was and how he didn't deserve the fate he had. As well as mentioning that it's 073's fault for why Abel is what he is. Upon further questioning on what happened after the static 343 said that Abel stabbed him where the recording device was, & from there 343... When 343 told Abel to calm down. It only enraged him more as he'd begin to furiously attack 343. So 343 said he simply forced Abel to fall asleep! 343 also ensured us he would be no threat for at least while the sleep wouldn't be permeant he'd wake up eventually 343 said he simply wiped Abel's mind of the events that had transpired between the two of them. We thanked him but as he left me & Luci agreed this was rather worrisome. the fact 343 seemingly wiped Abel's mind while most likely a good thing. also means that he could do it to other's... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Addendum 1# So upon further looking into the audio logs we should've known that 076 was most likely not going to be speaking English! it turns out he was speaking Sumerian as well as 343. We had to get an expert to translate and this is the translation! 076: Yahweh! It's...Its been to long great heavenly father. 343: Yes dear child it has! but you may rise! 076: Of course heavenly father...but you didn't just decide to now come and visit... You would've before hand... No they asked you to come didn't they! 343: maybe they did maybe they didn't that doesn't matter though 076: OF course it does!. you can fully set me free from this place! let me free fully! 343: Now Abel you know I can't just do that. You have strayed to far from my light... think of all the people you've harmed. Killed for no rea- 076:: LIKE MY BROTHER DID TO ME?! All humans are like that Rotten Corrupt! weak.. Few real warrior's ALL of them should be killed! 343: Your brother has been punished for his horrible act! But it is now time for you to finally forgive and let it g- 076: NEVER! HE'S STILL ALIVE! HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO LIVE! 343: That isn't for you to decide. now why don't we talk about this and you put away your wea- The recording ends from there from that point forward Abel became hostile towards 343, Upon later Inspection 343 did confirm he was struck multiple times but there where no wounds upon him or his suit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corbin's Final Note This Experiment to see what would happen had to many factors upon further realization. it most definitely could've gotten worse. however I'm more confused on why 343 won't just free Abel's soul. Upon further Asking he simply didn't respond with reason. However later Report's indicate Abel did truly forget about what happened with 343. ~Corbin
  2. Name:Dustin Rank:Junior Researcher SCP:343 List of Personnel involved in testing:Fireman and Myself Level D Personnel involved(if any):N/A Risks/Safety Precautions:It is important not to include any paradoxical questions Background Research:4 other Iq test were used to find a mean IQ What I’m teaching/testing: IQ test Observation:IQ test listed Below ------------------------------------------------------------------ Q:Which answer expresses the meaning of the specified word best? A: A.compassionate (B.comforting) C.explanatory D.meddlesome The Correct answer:B Q:Which number logically follows this series? 4 6 9 6 14 6 ... A: A.6 B.17 C.19 (D.21) The correct answer:C Q:Which of the figures in the bottom row should logically be in the spot of the question mark in the top row? 1 _____ | H | |++++| | $ | 2 ----- | HH | | +++| | $$ | 3----- |HHH | | + +| |$$$ | 4 ----- |HHHH| | +| |$$$$| ------ A: A. (B.) C. D. E. | H | | H | | | | HH | | H | |+ + | | | | ++ | | ++ | | + | |$$$$| |$$$ | |$$$$| |$$$$| | $ | The correct answer:B Q. Which conclusion follows from the statements with absolute certainty? None of the stamp collectors is an architect. All the drones are stamp collectors. A: A.All stamp collectors are Architects (B.)Architects are not drones C.No stamp collectors are drones D.Some drones are architects The correct answer:B Q.What does the resulting cube look like if you fold this cube together? A. A.7 top,blank left,1 right (B).7 top,1 left,4 right C.blank top,7 left,4 right D.1 top,blank left,7 right E.blank top,1 left,4 right The correct answer:B Q.What is the correct answer to the following problem. Tom has a new set of golf clubs. Using a club 8, the ball travels an average distance of 100 meters. Using a club 7, the ball travels an average distance of 108 meters. Using a club 6, the ball travels an average distance of 114 meters. How far will the ball go if Tom uses a club 5? A. (A).122 meters B.120 meters C.118 meters D.116 meters The Correct answer:C Q.Which answer expresses the meaning opposite of that of the specified word best? Tough A. A.cowardly B.starch C.strong (D).tender E.masculine The correct answer:D Q.Which word(s) can logically replace the question mark? Water is to a pipe as ? is to a wire. A. A.cord (B).electricity C.heat D.gas The correct answer:B Q.Which of the meanings is the best fitting for the specified word? |displeasure| A. A.injustice B.complaint C.futile D.sin (E.)discord The correct answer:B -------------------------{End Log}------------------------------- Conclusion:SCP-343 score was average to the mean of other participants. With an average of 105-120 (7 out of 9). Overall, SCP-343 has an above average IQ which evens out to the upper 50% ratio of participants. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Date of Interview:October 25, 2020 11:00AM Topic of Interview:IQ Test Notes Pre-Interview:The Interviewee will be given an IQ test as a variable to the mean experiment/Interview. Interviewer: Junior Researcher Dustin Interviewee:JR Lucien ---------------------------BEGINLOG---------------------------- Q:Which answer expresses the meaning of the specified word best? A: A.compassionate (B.comforting) C.explanatory D.meddlesome The Correct answer:B Q:Which number logically follows this series? 4 6 9 6 14 6 ... A: A.6 B.17 (C.19) D.21 The correct answer:C Q:Which of the figures in the bottom row should logically be in the spot of the question mark in the top row? 1 _____ | H | |++++| | $ | 2 ----- | HH | | +++| | $$ | 3----- |HHH | | + +| |$$$ | 4 ----- |HHHH| | +| |$$$$| ------ A: A. (B.) C. D. E. | H | | H | | | | HH | | H | |+ + | | | | ++ | | ++ | | + | |$$$$| |$$$ | |$$$$| |$$$$| | $ | The correct answer:B Q. Which conclusion follows from the statements with absolute certainty? None of the stamp collectors is an architect. All the drones are stamp collectors. A: A.All stamp collectors are Architects B.Architects are not drones (C.)No stamp collectors are drones D.Some drones are architects The correct answer:B Q.What does the resulting cube look like if you fold this cube together? A. A.7 top,blank left,1 right B.7 top,1 left,4 right C.blank top,7 left,4 right D.1 top,blank left,7 right (E).blank top,1 left,4 right The correct answer:B Q.What is the correct answer to the following problem. Tom has a new set of golf clubs. Using a club 8, the ball travels an average distance of 100 meters. Using a club 7, the ball travels an average distance of 108 meters. Using a club 6, the ball travels an average distance of 114 meters. How far will the ball go if Tom uses a club 5? A. (A).122 meters B.120 meters C.118 meters D.116 meters The Correct answer:C Q.Which answer expresses the meaning opposite of that of the specified word best? Tough A. A.cowardly B.starch C.strong (D).tender E.masculine The correct answer:D Q.Which word(s) can logically replace the question mark? Water is to a pipe as ? is to a wire. A. A.cord (B).electricity C.heat D.gas The correct answer:B Q.Which of the meanings is the best fitting for the specified word? |displeasure| A. A.injustice (B.)complaint C.futile D.sin E.discord The correct answer:B ---------------------------ENDLOG------------------------------- Conclusion:JR Lucien score 105-120 (7 out of 9) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Date of Interview:October 25, 2020 10:50AM Topic of Interview:IQ Test Notes Pre-Interview:The Interviewee will be given an IQ test as a variable to the mean experiment/Interview. Interviewer: Junior Researcher Dustin Interviewee:RRA Senior Researcher Dunkle ---------------------------BEGINLOG---------------------------- Q:Which answer expresses the meaning of the specified word best? A: A.compassionate (B.comforting) C.explanatory D.meddlesome The Correct answer:B Q:Which number logically follows this series? 4 6 9 6 14 6 ... A: A.6 B.17 (C.19) D.21 The correct answer:C Q:Which of the figures in the bottom row should logically be in the spot of the question mark in the top row? 1 _____ | H | |++++| | $ | 2 ----- | HH | | +++| | $$ | 3----- |HHH | | + +| |$$$ | 4 ----- |HHHH| | +| |$$$$| ------ A: A. (B.) C. D. E. | H | | H | | | | HH | | H | |+ + | | | | ++ | | ++ | | + | |$$$$| |$$$ | |$$$$| |$$$$| | $ | The correct answer:B Q. Which conclusion follows from the statements with absolute certainty? None of the stamp collectors is an architect. All the drones are stamp collectors. A: (A.)All stamp collectors are Architects B.Architects are not drones C.No stamp collectors are drones D.Some drones are architects The correct answer:B Q.What does the resulting cube look like if you fold this cube together? A. A.7 top,blank left,1 right (B).7 top,1 left,4 right C.blank top,7 left,4 right D.1 top,blank left,7 right E.blank top,1 left,4 right The correct answer:B Q.What is the correct answer to the following problem. Tom has a new set of golf clubs. Using a club 8, the ball travels an average distance of 100 meters. Using a club 7, the ball travels an average distance of 108 meters. Using a club 6, the ball travels an average distance of 114 meters. How far will the ball go if Tom uses a club 5? A. A.122 meters B.120 meters (C.)118 meters D.116 meters The Correct answer:C Q.Which answer expresses the meaning opposite of that of the specified word best? Tough A. A.cowardly B.starch (C.)strong D.tender E.masculine The correct answer:D Q.Which word(s) can logically replace the question mark? Water is to a pipe as ? is to a wire. A. A.cord (B).electricity C.heat D.gas The correct answer:B Q.Which of the meanings is the best fitting for the specified word? |displeasure| A. A.injustice (B.)complaint C.futile D.sin E.discord The correct answer:B ---------------------------ENDLOG------------------------------- Conclusion:RRA Senior Researcher Dunkle scord 105-120 (6 out of 9) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Date of Interview:October 25,2020 10:30AM Topic of Interview: IQ Test Notes Pre-Interview: The Interviewee will be given an IQ test as a variable to the mean experiment/Interview. Interviewer: Junior Researcher Dustin Interviewee: Doctor Consario ---------------------------BEGINLOG---------------------------- Q:Which answer expresses the meaning of the specified word best? A: A.compassionate (B.comforting) C.explanatory D.meddlesome The Correct answer:B Q:Which number logically follows this series? 4 6 9 6 14 6 ... A: A.6 B.17 C.19 (D.21) The correct answer:C Q:Which of the figures in the bottom row should logically be in the spot of the question mark in the top row? 1 _____ | H | |++++| | $ | 2 ----- | HH | | +++| | $$ | 3----- |HHH | | + +| |$$$ | 4 ----- |HHHH| | +| |$$$$| ------ A: A. (B.) C. D. E. | H | | H | | | | HH | | H | |+ + | | | | ++ | | ++ | | + | |$$$$| |$$$ | |$$$$| |$$$$| | $ | The correct answer:B Q. Which conclusion follows from the statements with absolute certainty? None of the stamp collectors is an architect. All the drones are stamp collectors. A: A.All stamp collectors are Architects B.Architects are not drones (C).No stamp collectors are drones D.Some drones are architects The correct answer:B Q.What does the resulting cube look like if you fold this cube together? A. A.7 top,blank left,1 right (B).7 top,1 left,4 right C.blank top,7 left,4 right D.1 top,blank left,7 right E.blank top,1 left,4 right The correct answer:B Q.What is the correct answer to the following problem. Tom has a new set of golf clubs. Using a club 8, the ball travels an average distance of 100 meters. Using a club 7, the ball travels an average distance of 108 meters. Using a club 6, the ball travels an average distance of 114 meters. How far will the ball go if Tom uses a club 5? A. A.122 meters (B).120 meters C.118 meters D.116 meters The Correct answer:C Q.Which answer expresses the meaning opposite of that of the specified word best? Tough A. (A).cowardly B.starch C.strong D.tender E.masculine The correct answer:D Q.Which word(s) can logically replace the question mark? Water is to a pipe as ? is to a wire. A. A.cord (B).electricity C.heat D.gas The correct answer:B Q.Which of the meanings is the best fitting for the specified word? |displeasure| A. (A).injustice B.complaint C.futile D.sin E.discord The correct answer:B ---------------------------ENDLOG------------------------------- Conclusion:Doctor Consario Score an average of ~100 (5 out of 9) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Self-Record Data Sheet Name: Junior Researcher Dustin Date: October 25, 2020: 9:30AM Information Gain: IQ test Result: 105-120 (7 out of 9) Contribution: Mean IQ level Conclusion: The IQ level will be leveled with others including SCP-343. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sources: Original IQ test:https://www.123test.com/iq-test/ (Classical) Thank You to the participants who helped me during this test. Doctor Consario, RRA Senior Researcher Dunkle, JR Lucien, Fireman.
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