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Found 1 result

  1. In Game Name: NeoID Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:184445855 Job applying for: 05 Research (Coming from R&D) If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: N/A How many Strikes do you have: 0 Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I've spent a good while in the Research Field for R&D. I have not only made my responsibility and advancement of my branch a "goal" but rather a priority of my time. I have spent a very large portion of my time these past few months in Research and Development for the Chaos Insurgency Branch. Working hard alongside my other members to advance R&D. To make it more fun and respectable within the Gaminglight SCP-RP. I plan to continue this duty. That means I need to expand sometimes, learning to grow as a researcher, and a leader. My pure intent is to bring the honor R&D deserves to the server. Through Experience, responsibility and making it an enjoyable branch. 05 Research could help me shape the path of both R&D, and Research too if I can manage it. Everyone deserves to find some form of enjoyment within the community. It then, becomes the job of their higher-ups to guide them to exactly that. This position would grant me exactly that. At the least, give me more opportunity to do such a thing. Another huge part of this to me is that not a single member currently on 05 Research comes from/is in R&D! To me this would be a huge opportunity to introduce the RP from both branches to make it more enjoyable! I at least, believe I could learn from the people in Research, and I have no doubt they could take something away from working alongside me as well! That's huge, and would definitely spice things up a bit! There is nothing I would like to see more within the Field of Research than a unity in that sense! It would make both branches more fun! It's also a good opportunity to just get to know what people in the foundation are more like, and vise versa for CI too! I would love to be able to speak to these guys more often, and show them my expertise! I would love to see theirs as well! I want to learn, and help shape the path of the Research within SCP-RP! What better way to do it! Part of it, is personal glory as well. May as well admit it here as well. I want to interact, and get to know the big mean bosses within the foundation as well! Being among their ranks is... well. Awesome! Who wouldn't want to reach that point? I would be honored to have a place among them. Working alongside them in the Field of Research! RPing with them sounds like the best thing right about now! Personal reputation within the server is good too admittedly. I plan to keep working with these people in SCP-RP for a while. Have had that mindset for a month or two now. Gaining a position of such responsibility would grow that reputation, showing my capabilities vastly! Only issue with showing them in a branch, is it never goes too widespread. Only to my Higher Ups within the branch. However, I want my abilities to make Research more enjoyable to be farther known! Why should we accept you: I cannot possibly express how much effort I have put into R&D. I really got no clue how I manage it. With a job, school, and all. Yet, still I seem to have even more time on my hands! My intents with Research are truly the best. I simply want to make the jobs within Research more enjoyable, and want people to become more invested in them. I am near always available somehow. Working hard into the night. I communicate easily with other Command members and Enlisted within my branch. Being capable of keeping a steady, humorous mindset all the while. However, I am capable of being either commanding, or strict when the time comes. I think that's hard to see in most people. Not only in Research, but in any branch. Some people are hot headed. Some a chill. Some are joking. Which, don't get me wrong. Nothing wrong with that, but I think its hard for people to have all 3 in one. Which I admittedly take pride in. Most people seem to be pretty satisfied after talking to me. At least... I would hope. I think myself to be helpful to most enlisted when I can be. I think one of the things I really am one of the best at is interacting with people. I also feel I have talent in documentation. I have written several SOPs, Forms, and Sheets for R&D in my time in the branch. I intend to do the same if this was accepted. If the chance ever comes up that is. I think I can be extremely informative in these, and feel pretty satisfied that people understand my writing with ease. As well as it helps them advance within the branch. Becoming more invested in it by the day! I want that kind of investment within all the Research Branches, if not all Branches! I feel I am one of the many people who can contribute to this, and I feel I am ready to begin that trial! I have proven capable of communicating with my fellow command members, and in cases, even leading and guiding them to advancement! I have worked alongside them to advance R&D, which I feel I have done a good job within! Only 2 months ago, R&D was a baron wasteland. Completely inactive. Except maybe 1 or 2 command members. Almost never any enlisted. Now we have begun to average 2 R&D enlisted on, and 1 or 2 Command on, which might seem small to other branches, but we are a pretty small division, and I'm proud to say I hugely contributed to this! I plan to continue my dedication to Research, Interrogations, logging, and the branch entirely! I wish to be able to do the same for other branches! I am easy to work alongside. Always open to the ideas and plans of others. As long as I'm certain it won't have any lasting negative effects! Thank you for hearing me out on this! I hope you consider me as a future representative of R&D within the 05 Research team!
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