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Posts posted by Tyler228

  1. What is your steam name?:[GL] Tyler John

    What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:1:96519991

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain): Former PoliceRP Super Admin | Support Team | Forum Diplomat 

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) November 2015

    What date did you make your forums account? November 23, 2015

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Admin | Gold

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 6 https://prnt.sc/13f4n3t

    Have you donated? Yes $120

    What rank are you applying for? Senior Admin

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No

    Have you read the staff guidelines at? You will be tested on it: Yes

    Timezone: EST

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Eternity, Rangiatea, Jimmy James, Max Holland, Zerg, Magic

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? I believe I deserve Senior Admin for many reasons, for starters would be my experience as a former JMT member (2016-2017) and current Admin I have a good understanding of how to deal with most situations that arise while remaining calm and professional. I also have a good grasp of the staff and server guidelines. Another reason why I deserve Senior Admin is my dedication. I have been a part of gaminglight since 2015 as well been on the staff team for a combined two years. I am command in each department I am a part of so I am experienced with management and giving guidance. I also try to AFK on the server as often as possible to benefit the server numbers. Every week I try my best to get a respectable amount of sits and at least meet the minimum requirement. A third reason why I deserve Senior Admin is that I take the initiative, from getting on staff when nobody is on to taking the time to help out another staff member when they have concerns or need advice, I am not afraid to do what has to be done. Overall I am confident that If promoted to Senior Admin I will handle the responsibilities with carefulness and respect. 

    16. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First I would jailtp them to a roof and strip them, then I would ask them why they are misbehaving and check logs to make sure they're the correct person. If they continue to curse after being asked to stop I would gag them and proceed to tell the person that they will be warned for staff disrespect and mass rdm as well as receiving a 5 day ban. 

    17. These questions are only for people applying for Admin/Senior Admin/Super Admin:

              -What would you do if you think a player is an alt account? If I suspect someone using an alt account I would not make contact with them, I would gather video and photos for evidence and bring that information to higher ups, following the chain of command on teamspeak and/or discord 


               -What would you do if a player is threatening to chargeback? I would gather a video and screenshots of the player threatening, bring it up to higher staff following chain of command to get the situation dealt with.

              -A family is mass minging and causing issues, how would you stop the family from minging? Bring the members to a roof, explain that what they're doing is unacceptable and if they continue misbehaving, jails/warns/bans can and will be issued. 


              -How would you deal with a situation you don't know what to/don't know the answer to? (Don't answer with "I know everything!") If I didn't know what to do in a situation I would ask other staff members through staff chat, TeamSpeak, discord for advice.

  2. Rank You are Applying For: Colonel


    In-Game Name: Tyler John

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96519991

    Current Rank: Major

    How long have you been in your current rank?: One Month and Four Days

    What timezone are you in?: Eastern Standard 

    How many Warns do you have?: 6

    Permission: Deputy Commissioner Solomon

    Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): Today I am applying for Colonel, it's been five months since I was promoted to low command, having said that I have grown and learned a lot in my time that has made me not only a better officer but a better role model. I have learned to deal with department-related issues in a calm professional manner as well as being assertive with my judgment. I know when to be serious and when to be more relaxed and do my best to represent the department in a positive manner. One reason I am ready for the rank of Colonel is my dedication to the department, whether it be giving constructive criticism to officers acting unprofessional or riding around with lower enlisted to create transparency and show that they can come to us when they need help. Another reason why I should be promoted to Colonel is my experience speaks for itself, from being a Super Admin and Colonel on PoliceRP I am confident in myself that I can handle the rank of Colonel with ease. The Police Officer guide I am fluent in and very much understand how the department is run. That being said I will accept your final decision.

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

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