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Imperial Goblin

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Posts posted by Imperial Goblin

  1. What you want to see? -  realrbn's Tazer

    Why should we add it? -  So when tasing someone they will fall down and it will look more realistic and cooler. When person is tased you can cuff them while they are on ground

    What are the advantages of having this? - More RP and Action in Taser's.

    Who is it mainly for? - GOV Only.

    Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=578333531&searchtext=Taser

  2. Why I'm leaving: I'm leaving USMS cause I'm trying to focus on PD and USMS will stress me a lot so I'm just going to leave USMS due to PD

    @Quinnn Thank you for Accepting me at Tryouts

    @Shell Simpson Thx for Training me at USMS Tryouts

    To all Agents and Command Have a Fun Time in USMS


  3. In-Game Name: GoblinYT

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:832522415

    ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): User

    How many hours do you have on the server?: 1 Week

    What is your general knowledge on the rules?: I know then well

    How many warns do you have? (No more than 15): 1

    Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+): I want to join Event Team because I can build fun and exciting Event's for people. I love building stuff and Event Team is Cool and Fun. I can show Event Team that I am Active in TS Forums and Discord. I love making Stuff for example bases. I can show that I can make cool stuff and to inspire them to Event Team. I read the information, so I know how to set hp armor give guns and stuff. I love Attending Event's so why not I make a App. I have good Building skills. In Event's ill offer others to help and with Teamwork I can make Fun Event's. I see myself helping others in Event Team. With the more Event's I do the more Skills I unlock. I want Event Team to not only Make Fun Event's but also Improve the Event Team. 

    Describe an event you could create (Be specific): The obstacle Course. I will make 4 Stages and 3-4 is Hard 1-2 Easy. 1 Person gets a Awp, and AR. He has to kill them without making them escape. 1 Person to escape gets 1 Mil. Others gets xp. Everyone gets a Turn. 

    If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? (Must be in EST timezone) 12:00AM-5:00PM

    Monday - Friday: 12:00AM-5:00PM

    Saturday and Sunday: 12:00AM-5:00PM

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines? Yes, I have Read it.

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