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Everything posted by doggod

  1. doggod

    One last time

    o7 brodie u were a real one
  2. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? MP ACS FTO doggod (doggod w/o tags) 2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)? STEAM_0:0:133235674 3. What is your Rank? MP 4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0 5. How many warnings do you have on GL? I have 1 warn from I believe ~2019 or earlier for FailRP x2, I think it was on PoliceRP and I'm not sure what the circumstances behind the warn were. 6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? I'd probably say 7-9, it varies depending on my schedule for the week. 7. Why do you believe you should become a Maintenance Command member (150+ words)? I think I should be a Maintenance Command member because I believe I'm able to bring a fun and lighthearted personality to the branch while also ensuring it stays true to its values of acting as a support (mostly) branch for the foundation. I've also had similar experience to command positions on other servers, and I was able to help branches thrive, and even continue to thrive past my time in the branches and the community as a whole. Being in a command position would also allow me to get better acquainted with the playerbase as well as the needs and wants of maintenance, and the community in general. Overall, I believe I could have a positive impact on the branch by dedicating time and effort to improving it, while also ensuring that everyone involved has the best time possible, while making the branch continue to thrive during and past my time as Maintenance command. [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 (two) of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.] 8-1. A Utility Trainee has escaped the training room and is refusing to return, how would you handle this? I would first use rp_lookup to check their SteamID, and see if there were any DNTs set on them. If there was a DNT active, I would use /demote to remove them from the job with the reasoning of a DNT being placed on them. If they continue to refuse, I would close the door to the training room and ask staff to teleport them back to the room. If they begin listening, I would proceed with the training. If not, I would place a DNT on them and demote them off of the trainee job. 8-2. Some enlisted members have begun RDMing each other in bunks as a way to pass time, what would you do in this situation? I would try to redirect their attention to do something more productive for themselves/the foundation. An example being seeing if any GENSEC need armor in/near D-Block, or doing trash to make money that they can spend on armory weapons, skins, ammo, etc. Also, if they were of a proper rank, I would offer to host trainings for any subbranches that I'm able to train them for. 8-3. A Junior Maintenance is breaking multiple SOP rule such as improperly using tools and disregarding DEFCON rules, what are your next steps? I would first try to tell if they were purposefully breaking the rules while knowing of them, or if they simply misunderstood or weren't aware of the rules they were breaking. If I discover they were aware of the rule that they were breaking, or continue to break the rule after being warned about it, I would issue a strike/demotion as necessary.
  3. doggod

    doggod's CI App

    In-game Name: doggod SteamID: STEAM_0:0:133235674 DiscordID: doggod#7729 | 527186764943589377 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? Maybe a 6-7, I haven't spent a ton of time looking at SCP lore but I know the basics and have looked into CI the most out of any part of the lore. I would also be willing to look further into it if necessary. Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) To start, I have a lot of experience playing FPS games, and a lot of experience playing gmod PVP servers. With how unique gmod's movement is and how few weapon bases there are, I believe most of that skill could transfer over to GL, even though there will still be a learning curve to overcome. I've also previously been in CI and enjoyed it a lot during my time in it. I also look forward to being able to meet new people or visit with people that I already know from other servers or my previous time in CI. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I can be active and involved within the game and community, and I'd be willing to eventually undergo any CO responsibilities that may be needed from me. I also believe that with a bit of practice I could be above average or better in PVP, since I have a lot of experience playing other PVP-based servers on gmod. How active can you be? I can usually play an hour or more every day/every other day. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes *Please note you can get removed at anytime if violating the SOP or being inactive for 3-4 days
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