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Stephano Crichton

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Everything posted by Stephano Crichton

  1. Sorry if this is the wrong channel to post this in. Hi Everyone, I usually go by Crichton on this server and I'm a new member to the gaminglight community with about 22 Hours of total playtime on Imperial RP over a 4-5 day span. I'd say I'm a ideal member of a community like this intending on having a good time without breaking the rules (prior to this incident) and I hope others can say the same. Me. A new member to the server, on downtime, was playing as a tusken raider. I have been playing seriously in a variety of roles never broken any rules prior. So Joker a Snr Mod (at time of posting) and a few others are gathered in his (Jokers) words 20 ft from the mountain you spawn on as a tusken raider. I was initially cuffed a fair distance away for my gun out (which is perfectly fine) and released by another tusken. Then after some casual conversation we were goofing around in Downtime and I was killed by the 9th sister again about 20 feet away from tusken spawn. After I respawned I slid down the cliff directly infront of me and not 5 seconds after respawning I was tased and arrested. After telling the shock "bro I just respawned" or something like that I broke out of the cuffs I was restrained in. I used the feature to "struggle" and broke out of the cuffs. After reading the rules there are NO explicit or implicit references to this being "FailRP" After bringing this up with Joker after he removed me from roleplay into a staff sit I made this exact point multiple times. After not reasoning at all with me or trying to understand my point of view, So I see it only fair to treat others how they treat me so I said "Ok return me, I don't care for what you say" In reference to this situation. This situation dragged on for too long where again I detailed that no rules where in writing forbidding me from breaking out of cuffs with a "feature" that is built in and ENABLED on the cuff addon. To then Mark (Assisting Joker) Says its "common sense" and that I am supposed to know your not allowed to use a FEATURE, which is nowhere said to be disallowed. It states in the rules FailRP is anything to be considered out of character. I was told that anything outside of /me is not in character. In response to this I presented the idea that if I can open a blast door with E why am I not allowed to use MOUSE1 to break out of cuffs? which again out of failure to reason with me saw him go ahead and warn me. Here's the part where I apologise, after the warn I said "Fuck, you", I was in my eyes unterstandibley frustrated that no one could cite a rule which I had broken but yet I recieved a warn. But I know that isn't an excuse to break the rules and what not so sorry Joker for staff dis. But nontheless I feel as though I should not have been warned in the first place. I could be rdming people and recieve a punishment not to disimilar from what I got and in trying to be a serious and legitimate member of this community I feel that it is bad to punish people who are new and contributing to your community. Any higher up staff I will be happy to have a chat, thankyou. discord: Daxx#1123
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