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Posts posted by shadowstalker

  1. Questions

    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : ST SCTL MAJ Shadow 2156


    2. What Regiment are you applying for? ST


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? Luci made me apply. but i know itd be a fun experience because ive been it many times. Plus we need one. I've helped STs grow as a legit regiment, along with the scout troopers. Its pretty fun to be an ST, leading a group of the good STs and helping people join battalions. And it would just offer a better overall experience. Id like to lessen the mingy image of the STs, and my past years of experience could be very useful to fall back on to play as one on the server.


    4. How much game time do you have on the server? Around 6 days in game TIME, about 1 month actually active on the server.


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? Being a commander is being the spearhead for a branch meaning he is the one that is always ahead, leading his troops, not just commanding them but being with them, he is the one that sets the example for the rest of the troops and makes all of them a role model for themselves and for every other branch. A commander creates a healthy environment among themselves and every other regiments, making sure they follow order from their own branch and any other officer that requires them.


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? I have experience being a commander, and through my experience as anyone else I've committed mistakes but have learned from them, and managed to overcome said issues to improve myself and improve others. As well as  becoming a good role model for the troops and keeping them in order by also making sure all of them are happy and content but also follow orders and know when to get serious.


    7. How often can you be Online? :every day.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : None active


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  2. + SUPPORT

    - A good replacement for the E11, as it is in no way shape or form a good weapon

    - A small boost in health will benifit the scouts, as it is a sub class and with the model situation

    and no, the A280 isn't a "Rebel blaster". its made by the same company that made the E11, the DC15, and most blasters in general. the only reason we see rebels using it fairly often is because it was a armor piercing rifle, one of the only that could pierce storm trooper armor.

  3. 4 hours ago, TailoredBadger said:

    - Support

    - Sounds pretty neat
    - Lore friendly

    - I'd love to see it implemented.

    Now, I'm going to be picking through some points that others have made clear and some personal opinions of my own.

    This is a very good point to add, as another unit that occupies a life means one less life that could be used elsewhere, I know you're not starting a new battalion, but an ST PVT isn't a life, and an ST Storm Commando will be.

    Lore friendly isn't a major pushing factor here to be honest:
    Would the Emperor, Darth Vader, a Grand Admiral and a Grand Moff all be on one ship for long stretches of time without a support fleet? No.
    Would lesser-known factions and corporations constantly declare war on the might of the Empire and be crushed mere days later? No.
    The Imperial Security Bureau wouldn't feed intel on potential Rebel cells, that would be Imperial Intelligence.
    Like, in lore, Medical Troopers still have the Hippocratic oath, where they are not able to do any harm to people of their same race, we don't abide by that because we would be useless against human enemies.
    Just because it's lore, it doesn't mean it should be added.

    IF is currently proposing having Thermal Detonators added to them, but they are meeting fierce resistance, despite them actually being Special Forces, it is agreed that most explosives should be handled by the 31st Demolition Corps.

    All three of these just makes Scouts redundant and useless; you have a better version of the Scout's sniper rifle, you have a speeder bike and you have a Stun Baton.

    Now this is where I find fault, this is either the function of a reconnaissance unit, or the function of a special forces unit. There is already a reconnaissance unit in STs, which are scout troopers, and you maintain that Storm Commandos are not to be Special Forces, make a decision, are you gonna make Scouts, a sub-division that you lead, redundant in STs, or are you creating a Special Force?  Also, I would quite like to at least see a W.I.P SOP before even considering supporting such a shift in Special Forces and STs.

    THANK YOU, so lets discuss this my friend. So the first point you made about the life. Your right. But at the same time, its dependent on that person WANTING to go to another regiment, its about the player. while yes it would take up a life, they could always use their second to help fill a spot. We wouldn't take the 2nd life.


    Lore friendly. Tell me about it. Its just an additional point to make seeing as a few special forces aren't lore friendly. There has never been a server with storm commandos in it, and it would be a cool thing to see. Even on the clone wars RP server way back when, the entire Jedi council was on one ship and so was the Naval high command, but it was serious RP so i guess that's something we have to turn a blind eye to.


    and explosives, They don't have to add that if they don't want too. its simply a request, because i, like inferno, believe that special forces should at least carry grenades. To me its common sense. 


    And yea, i might just edit it to say we could replace scouts with the job, seeing as the model is broken anyway. 

    And the last point. To tell you the truth, either one of which is good with me. an advanced recon element or a special force, Its all of what high command would decide it to be and the community. Thank you badger for bringing up some points, id be happy to talk about it in the server if you'd like and maybe i could change your opinion.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Finnley24 said:


    Is a good idea but we have a lot of special force most being lore friendly being IF for an example and i personally think haveing another special force Unit is completely unneeded DT and IF get the job done and done well the hardest thing for us to do is to blow things up as we dont have bombs that sayed i hope this idea gose well i just felt as it about special force i might pit my idea

    -IF SNR Agent Omega Delta IF8

    ill plus support that grenade stuff because its simple for special forces to be given grenades i don't know why its such a big discussion. rocket launchers probably not, but grenades yea. but back to the topic, if you wanna talk about IF being lore friendly right now, it isn't. the first death star is still here, Tarkin is still alive. inferno was created to make sure the destruction of the 2nd death star didn't happen. and while i do agree, most of my reasoning comes from the cold hard facts. DT is a special force, and as i said, storm commandos don't HAVE to be a special force if high command don't WANT it to be a special force. i'm fine with that. but if it IS, i argue that DT's DUTIES don't pertain too often to special forces missions. mainly guard duty, and enforcer type troops. personally, i've only seen them go on 1 special mission and that was one i was leading. now OF COURSE, no disrespect to ANYONE, or ANY regiment. but if you know star wars, you know i'm telling the truth.

    9 minutes ago, jackrhyssull said:


    I don’t know how any times I have to explain this COMMANDOS are NOT special forces  they are better trained troops with one Specialty to make a special forces unit each member has a separate role in the squad and commandos such as Imperial commandos are advanced recon same with storm commandos they do the same thing does not make them special forces (they are like the USA marines not special forces and IF and DT are like UK SAS see there’s the difference)  so now I made this clear we don’t need another branch that does what DT does on planet, also I would like to state as the Inferno Squad Commander I tend to command the special ops missions and we have DT that does the role you are trying to do and in my opinion why should we look to replace a tool that we see that has not faults or issues and tbh it’s not something we need and I’m just gonna say what almost every HC has said if you want to join a special forces join DT or IF it’s not gonna change.

    i also have to add this will make scout pointless to be in the server and tbh I doubt SMT will add this due to the fact it makes a donor job pointless and you will be taking other battalions jobs to. 
    my over all opinion is this won’t work and it’s a good idea but it’s also bad at the same time.


    -Inferno Squad Commander Iden Versio IF1

    Indeed, which is why i stated that they DONT HAVE to be special forces. DT dont do force recon, and if they do, they shouldnt because thats not their job. you look at is as replacing a tool, but i see it as simply adding a different tool to the box. does not really hurt anything, and your more prepared if something happens. and what about the people who dont want to join IF or DT? the people who want to speak without permission or the people who want to have fun like the server is for? noone should have to join a special force and then get forced on many regulations that just make the server less fun. And i do agree with you on some points, i need to make this clear. the commando's. DO NOT. have to be special forces. and as you said with scouts, well, i might just make a change to get it to replace the scouts themselves instead of the SGT job, because you are correct scouts would have no purpose.

  5. 2 hours ago, TAlila said:

    " Death troopers are an Elite Special Forces group assigned to the protection and service of High Ranking Naval Assets while on ship , and a Special Forces group under the command of High Ranking Army command ."  This is word to word from their SOP. and IF also did Hand-Pick selections. 

    indeed but what i'm saying is, is that we simply want a group that the best of STs can be apart of. i don't really see a negative effect. it follows lore, we got people to put in it, and its simply a no lose scenario. we aren't taking anyone's jobs, nor are we starting a new battalion. i don't see your point.

  6. 1 hour ago, [GL] MyBroFrosty said:


    Idk i kinda just see this as being a little much. That much in one class especially under the ST’s seems unreasonable. Yes I am ARC but the special thing i have is the title of Spec Ops and the ability to push enemy back lines and that’s pretty much that. ST already has a good variety of sub classes. You may not also realize but GL already has alot of “elite” forces.  And from the sound it this kinda sounds like a mini version of IF which from what i hears has issues just with that.

    did you read what i posted? it doesnt HAVE to be special forces. and the addition of LORE friendly special forces if it DOES be special forces would be a boon. and that "variety" is an officer, sergeant, and scout. the rest are donor, which dont really count. and while you may "Think" its a mini version of IF, our duties would differ 100% from IF. 

  7. 51 minutes ago, TAlila said:

    We have IF, & DT, and personally I don't think we should have a completely new battalion, Theres multiple battalions already struggling for activity. Plus ST's recently had a battalion update. Now  I'm saying no for the idea, but for now, I personally believe it's a -Support   

    Its not a new battalion. its only a small squad. and it will also be handpick only, no tryouts. and even thought STs had a battalion update, this still has the support of the entire ST command to be put in. however i thank you for the feedback, and i as i stated this one will be lore friendly. inferno didnt exist at this time, and although DT were specially trained, they were mainly used for guarding high ranking officials or important cargo.

  8. Hey guys, its been a long time talked about and coming, and with the support of all ST command and many others around the server, here it is. Storm commando's. So this will be a pretty long suggestion as i will provide details, debunk some possible -supports there might be, and some lore behind the storm commando's. 


    Storm commando's were the poster boy special forces of the empire, some of the top soldiers in the empire. They specialized in everything from Sabotage, Espionage, Assassination, Guerilla and anti Guerilla Warfare. They also were responsible for the majority of special operations against the rebel alliance and other hostile groups. 

    Now you may ask, why? well to put it simply. Why not? There's no reason not to add a LORE FRIENDLY special force. what could it hurt?  I say that because, every other special force on the server besides IC, Simply did not exist at this time. So i'm trying to keep it lore friendly here, and with much support so far.  Now, another thing. Adding a lore friendly special force for the STs, a special force that, mind you, in the entrance battalion, would be very different and beneficial. 


    Now i will explain the details of the job, the SOP, and the equipment.


    The job if needed, will replace the STs SGT job. meaning this job could be taken out for room with support from the ST command and some high command members. The way it will work is simple. The storm commando's will be hand picked only. no tryouts, no freebies. The conduct of the storm commando's on ship however, will be normal. Of course without much of the mingery. Its due to my firm belief that we are here to play, not be tight lipped and uptight just so we can look good for other people. It will only be a selection of 5 to maybe 8 individuals, and in events we well be tasked with force recon, gathering intelligence, force of action (combat) and sabotage. The majority of the time, we will act separately from the main force, with long range support or flank support as we see fit. all of this will be RP friendly of course. Unlike every special force in the server besides imperial commandos, we will be the only lore friendly special unit. 


    Now for the job itself. 

    7 slots please.

    450 HP

    150 Armor

    Model: Enlisted: models/player/gingers_assassin/gingers_assassin_arf_intelligence.mdl


    If possible, please put both these models as an option for a single job. if NOT possible, please go with the NCO+ model as the main one. 

    Main Weapon: rw_sw_a280

    I have multiple reasons for picking the A280. you may say, ew a rebel rifle. Actually, your 100% wrong. It was widely used by the rebellion, but it was not made FOR the rebellion. Its main goal during manufacturing was an armor piercing assault rifle. Given it to be a better choice of all rounded assault rifle, i went with this one. And if you DO say the rebels still use it, its still RP friendly given that in RP, if we are shooting at the rebels, they may think its friendly fire. A tactic the storm commando's often used.

    Sidearm: rw_sw_s5c

    Sniper rifle: rw_sw_iqa11c  

    Pretty much the DLT-19X with more ammo per mag, more accuracy, but same damage.

    Concealed knives or other close quarter weapons (RP)

    Grenades: zeus_thermaldet


    No special force is complete without a thermal detonator. and flashbang.

    Other weapons: ssp_z6-s

    our stun baton.


    I'm content without a rocket launcher, but all the same it would be vital to have for us to be fully functional. 

    Vehicles: lfs_speederbike

    Course our speeder bike for recon or transport.


    Now i will do my best to debunk most of the - supports i feel people will have. the most common one, is we don't have any room for additional special forces. Truth is, It doesn't HAVE To be classified as a special force. We could simply be elites within the ST's. Now i, and many others, would love to see it as special forces because they actually WERE special forces.

    Second. Some people think that adding a special force for entry branch is weird or not needed. Normally i would agree, however, as it stands now there is no other regiment that it belonged to, and having a special force that's lore friendly  would benefit us. Along with that, it would also improve the regiment of ST's in general, since more people would stay to try and get it. which Improves us greatly. 

    Thirdly. Some of you may say that it is just not needed. I say, that's your opinion in general. Many things we have aren't NEEDED, but we add them because it makes the server fun and the people happy. This is something that many people would like to see, and i for one, am looking forward to this greatly. So yes, it might not be NEEDED, but people want it. no different then any other suggestion. 





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  9.     1.Whats your ingame name?:ST SCTL SSGT Shadow 2156

          2.Whats your steam id?: STEAM_0:0:104588746

          3.Did you read the ST Sop?: yes

          4.How long have you been on the server: current time, 4 days. past time, about 5 years.

          5.How many warns do you have?: 30 total, none active.

          6.Why do you want to be a MAJ: Well becoming a major is a good way to achieve what we are looking for in scouts. to up our recognition and to grant more power to the scouts voice, along with the dedication to the scouts to become some of the best troops on the server, along with the very first virtually Independent troops, and special force.

          7.What Timezone are you?: CST

          8.How well do you command this Regiment?: That's for the scouts to decide. 

          9.What makes you stand out from other applicants?: That's also for others to decide. however, many know me as a veteran of gaminglight, which in itself stands out along with my abilities.


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