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Posts posted by profredfly

  1. love you tazza, i'll definitely miss gaming with you. maybe we could still do bloons sometime


    this was definitely a result of the PT's wasnt it

  2. +support(sorry no colors right now)

    +extremely active 

    +very good maintenance

    +has done a lot for the maint subbranches and clearly puts a lot of effort in

    +great application, its clear lots of time was spent on making sure to answer the questions as best he could

    +would definitely be a benefit to RRH if accepted!

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  3. +support (sorry no funny colors am on mobile)

    +very active

    +subbranch head and cmd so can be trusted and knows what hes doing

    +great app and well thought out answers

    +funny purple color

    +/- personally i think that TE doesnt really need to be changed but you never know so

  4. 41 minutes ago, 1stSavagerY said:

    The server's ambience is kinda lackluster to say the best, it's just the same video on loop.  It would be much more interesting to possibly have different ambient sounds playing at different times while in different zones.  Although it would be a small change, I personally think it would to a lot to add to the atmosphere.


    TAZZA IS CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    very true, as maint I would love to have sounds going on in HCZ especially, maybe some scp noises like 354 slamming something or 049 mumbling or 096 crying. would be awesome

  5. Name: Proredfly

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:227671721

    Rank:  OM / RM

    Strikes: 0 😎

    Warns: 0 😎image.png.0477d2ca297e699f6989d417fc02bbbc.png

    Permission: Myself lmao

    Why are you a good fit for TE:
    I am very active, this could be proved by logs or playtime. I really enjoy GL SCP-RP, especially maintenance. I have a lot of experience in maintenance(I'm command), I don't have the best experience in medical but I know the SOP pretty well. I know most of the utility roster and am acquainted with most of them, as well as other branches. I have great positioning from FPS games, so I would be able to stay alive in combat situations and support MTF and security as they need it. As I am OM, I already have much experience not combat healing. I have been in d-block many times and am always careful not to heal someone while they are fighting.


    (An MTF Nu7 Corporal is in dire need of surgical attention (5% health) but an MTF E11 Captain has asked you to come to SCP-966’s containment cell and fix its doors. What should you prioritize?)
    The priority in this situation would be to heal the Nu7. The reason for this is that during Code Yellow, foundation personnel's well being takes priority over re-containing an SCP. It would most likely be Code Yellow, as a Euclid SCP is breached(966). The only code where containing SCPs are higher priority than foundation health is during a Code Blue. 
    (Source is TE SOP)

    (SCP-106 is on its last advert and is about to breach. As you are enroute to 106’s cell, a squad of MTF D5 Gladiators requests that you squad up with them. What should you prioritize?)

    The priority in this situation depends on the current site code. If it is a Code Blue, making sure that 106 doesn't breach is the priority in this situation. If it is Code Yellow, then the D5 get priority(SOP is unclear on the priority during Code Yellow, but this seems correct). During a Code Orange or Code Black the MTF are the main priority, and a maintenance would be asked to go replace 106's base. Code Red and Ragnarok would also prioritize MTF(during Code Ragnarok would also squad up with CI). During a Code Nuke the priority is to run and scream(help other personnel).



    Anyways W utility sub-branch

  6. Yo, you gave me a great introduction to the server. I was being trained during my first like 20 minutes online, for maintenance. Boomer was training me, and then you walked in, played a door knocking sound, and shot him with a shotgun. Funniest shit ever. That first experience is one of the only reasons I actually continued playing the game.

    see ya.

    • Name -  proredfly
    • Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:227671721
    • Discord Name - proredfly#0968
    • Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)  - CI RCT, SEC OFC
    • List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - none 😎
    • Why do you want to join Delta-5?
      I know a lot of people in D5, and I would enjoy fighting alongside of them. I enjoy playing maintenance, but sometimes theres nothing to do on maintenance, as there aren't enough players to have breaches and I don't feel like giving trash or armor. If I was in D5, I could flag up whenever I was bored of maintenance, or if I just wanted to play. I do not enjoy security very much, as all I do is watch people at gates and wait for them to leave. CI is a little fun but I don't like having to just wait in bunks between each raid. As D5 I would actually be actively doing things instead of just sitting in one room waiting. Even if I was just waiting in one room it would at least be with people I know.
    • Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words)
      I have combat experience from many other games. I mainly play fps games so my aim is very developed. I am used to having recoil, not having recoil, bloom, not having bloom, projectile, hitscan, etc. The main fps games I play frequently are overwatch, and rainbow 6. My rainbow training gives me good experience with not shooting teammates, and overwatch gives me good experience with positioning and game sense. Both of these games, as well as many others give me experience with my aiming. I would be excellent at killing those who need to be killed.
    • Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values?


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