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Posts posted by War_Fruitt

  1. I know I'm not the newest or the longest serving member... but I still feel I owe it to all those I've impacted on here (and probably wasted the time of on here)

    Hanged: You will probably never see this but if you do I'm so thankful that you chose to train me for Medical on one of my first few nights on the server. The opportunities that were created by such an action are even beyond my imagination.

    Ozzie: You were a great D5 commander and SA, I'm sure you will be a great A-1 Commander and an even greater O5 once you make it.

    Bones: I know I wasn't the best or even one of the longest lasting E11 members but thanks to your efforts to train me (twice) for E11 it allowed me to really get a foot in the door with many other great things such as joining Delta-5.

    Titanic: I'm sure you also won't see this but I'll keep it short for you thank you for training me to be a part of D5 they are a great group of people to play with. Dragonpaii: Thank you for being a great friend and helping me make that jump from E11 to D5.

    Lava: Thank you for being there to chill and help with G9 activities (even if we met by you taking a sit CI called on me) you've always been helpful and I hope you get to your goal rank.

    Crimson: I know this is pretty far down but just know I've always appreciated just chilling and talking with you on those late nights it was just unfortunate that you chose to resign before me.

    Marcus: You really do make me prouder than I would ever let on, you've overcome hurdles and obstacles that you sometimes create for yourself (like getting captured multiple times on your first day as G9) but that hasn't and shouldn't stop you from achieving your goals.

    Proredfly: I know I always got onto you about demoting me in maintaince that's because I knew you'd be the most capable of doing it and getting me retrained as I aimed for my personal goals. I hope you manage to get into the big boy league of Utility just like Spixe has.

    Spixe: I know I always got on you about being the Director of Losers but just know I was being serious. Kidding you've done an excellent job applying yourself in utility and definitely deserve more than you could ever imagine.

    Trizicum: you're the biggest :nerd:.

    Shadows: You've been a great D5 HCMD and I know you'll move on to great things! (Also don't forget to work on that school work) 

    Tazza: I'll always be watching after that night I got banned on the discord.

    Suwaa: In my last moments know you are and always will be Head Maid.

    Markus: You were a great IAA Deputy Head, it's unfortunate what happened to you and Reeses but all is said and done now, hope to see you out there on other servers/games!

    Giga: You've been a great friend and I hope you make it far with whichever branch you choose to stick with to SA and I hope you make it to JMT cause you truly deserve it.

    Jinkiedong: You were a great IAA Head even if you don't think so you helped make plenty of decisions and you helped me when I was the head of IAA more than you may realize.

    Everyone else I didn't mention but have interacted with just know you mean a whole lot more to me than I could ever say. I'm so happy to be able to claim to be apart of this wonderful community (even if some of you think otherwise) and I hope one day I will be able to come back and go through it all again with some of your familiar faces!
     It's been a pleasure to enjoy these experiences with y'all and I hope everyone is able to make their dreams come true!

    • Sad 1
    • Gaminglight Love 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Reeses said:

    Fruitt: Man oh man what a guy keep doing what you doing bro. 

    I do what I gotta to keep things pushin! It was fun and I'm sorry for how things went down hopefully you find success in your future endeavors whatever they may be! o7

  3. 9 minutes ago, ImTrash said:

    fruit: you're the reason i stuck around 90% of the time. best member of d5 around, i hope you go far if you stick around.

    Fire, hope to see you around even if it's on the opposite side of a gunfight, you've always been a great command member even if you don't think so and I hope you continue on with CI and get E4 o7!!!

  4. Name: Fruitt

    Rank: COL

    Steam ID (Example: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:106338063

    Discord ID (Example: wXc GameHunter#2435): War_Fruitt#0002

    Current Sub-Branches your in: Raptor Operatives, FTO, and IAA

    Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 75+ words): I should remain in command because I am active as much as I can be everyday to help with any issues or activities that occur within Delta-5. I also have proven that I have the knowledge and experience to help lead Delta-5 into the right direction. I have also proven that I am a capable and sometimes effective leader, and most of D5 trusts me to help guide them to understanding and completing the new objectives that SA+ have renewed in us. I also feel that Delta-5 even with a few bumps has been going well while I've been in a command position and I feel I have earned the respect and trust of most of our enlisted. For the time being I wish to remain a COL to help make this transition from how D5 used to run to the new mission objective we are expected to uphold, and once that transition is complete only then will I think of resigning from my position to allow for fresh faces and better people to pass the torch onto so they may gain the same experiences that I have been fortunate enough to gain.

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: It took me a while to decide on if I even wanted to remain as command and I figured I've made it this far and should stay at least a bit longer to make sure things go smoothly until I do choose to resign.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. This is the biggest W for the foundation since Trizium left. We shall finally know what the golden age of the server truly is! We shall forever cry out in joy of the day the Director of Losers resigned!


    JK it's been great playing with ya and I hope you enjoy the easy life I intend to get there by not responding to the D5 Rollcall (I'm just like that) o7

  6. 1.Name: Fruitt (I was told I'm Kelvin)

    2. Current and former RP ranks: Delta-5 COL (Sub-branch Overseer, Head of G9), ex-Experienced Medic (CCU, RFM, RMS), ex-Epsilon-11 LCPL (JCE, RCM, MRK), Maintenance trainee nine times!!!! also I'm a Maintenance Expert (FTO, NCS, AS, Alpha HLPR, MMF), General security Private, Ex-Associate Researcher, Ex-CI RnD Junior Agent (ATECH), Ex-RRH Foxtrot 26, Manager of Interrogations (as bestowed upon me by the O5 council back when it was just Weiss)

    3. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:106338063

    4. DiscordID: War_Fruitt#0002

    5. What position are you applying for?(CMDR/LTCOM): CMDR (I'm just like that)

    6. Why do you believe you are the best candidate for the Commander position?: I'm the best candidate because I've been a member of command in Delta-5 for five months and four days and I feel I have gained plenty of experience about how to run a branch. I've done well enough in my efforts to become Head of a special forces and assist in running multiple sub-branches alongside my main branch duties making sure that Delta-5 runs the best it can. I love to help people whenever I can, no matter the time of day or what I may be doing, the ability to help other people enjoy their time on the server is my top priority. I've also made plenty of attempts to handle multiple situations to the best of my ability especially when the situation requires punishment although I would rather use any other means before it comes to that, but some cases require it. I've also been able to get a lot of experience through multiple branches getting to interact with multiple great members of the server in my time in the server and I feel like it gives me a good feel for how to better interact with members of any branch no matter what rank they are.

    7. What specific skills and qualities do you possess that make you competent enough to run the branch?:  I have gained skills in leading people in the right direction to help them complete their goals and challenges. A quality I feel that would make me a great fit for this is I'm almost always willing to hear out both sides of a story and make the best call I can based off all information. I like to be the fairest I can be while dealing with any situations no matter who is involved, I also enjoy handling cross-branch activities that allow for more interactions between branches that sometimes don't interact positively with one another. I like to believe I have a very personable quality that allows me to work well with anyone no matter how other people perceive them or how they acted in other branches.

    8. How do you plan on running the branch?: I intend to run the branch with an unbiased outlook on everyone and with dignity to hold everyone with the same level of respect. I will take everyone's suggestion and think critically about how it can benefit the branch or how we can turn it to be a better idea that may help in a different way than they intended without taking the idea from the original suggester and making sure they knew the idea was good and that it was going to be implemented to the best of our ability. When required I would use an iron fist tactic to lay down the law so to speak about punishments when they are necessary but of course I would try everything I could to avoid it getting to the point of severe punishment. I will make clear and decisive efforts to make sure then enlisted know I am here for them and not the other way around so they know they can trust me and look to command for guidance on how to handle specific situations.

    9. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?: I will maintain strong relationships with the other branches through multiple activities and constant collaboration. When needed I will talk one on one with the hcmd of the other branches to see how we can better help one another in doing our specific tasks throughout the foundation. I will take measures to ensure that my branch understands that there is punishment to those who actively hate on the other branches no matter the reason and that it is not tolerated to be rude to others no matter what branch they are a part of. If any of my enlisted report that others are being disrespectful to our branch I will talk directly with that branches hcmd about the issue and work to resolve any issues that may be rooting within either branch about the other. I will also make sure to host as many cross PT's as possible so that everyone gets used to working with one another. As well as working on programs and documents behind the scenes to better ensure a more enjoyable experience within the branch no matter what rank they get to.

  7. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? Fruitt

    2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)? STEAM_0:0:106338063

    3. What is your Rank? ME

    4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 1 (and removed as a JM 8 times!!!)

    5. How many warnings do you have on GL? 1 cause I was being epic and they didn't like that

    6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 6.5 (I hate logs)

    7. Why do you believe you should become a Maintenance Command member (100+ words)?

    I deserve command because I'm a swell guy and I already do command stuff in Delta-5 so surely it can't be that much harder to just have more responsibility fr also I'm a great guy who's always been AMONG US command members and I'd do everything from doing my TRASH TASK to doing my IMPOSTER FINDING TASK I'm also really good at VOTING OUT IMPOSTERS when an EMERGENCY MEETING is called. I should be the maintenance command for Among Us because I have the perfect skill set for the job. I have experience in electrical repair, plumbing, and carpentry. I am also a certified welder. These skills would be extremely valuable in keeping the colony running smoothly. I am also a motivated leader. I have experience in managing and leading a team of workers. I am able to motivate my team to get the job done, even in difficult situations. I am also a problem solver. I have a knack for finding solutions to difficult problems. I am able to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions. This would be valuable in keeping the colony running smoothly, despite any problems that may arise. Lastly, I am a team player. I work well with others and I am able to put the needs of the team before my own. I am able to collaborate with others to get the job done. This would be essential in maintaining a successful colony. I believe that I would be the perfect candidate for the job of maintenance command. I have the skills, the motivation, and the teamwork necessary to keep the colony running smoothly.

    [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 (two) of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.]

    8-1. A Utility Trainee has escaped the training room and is refusing to return, how would you handle this? I'd whoop his ass in combat then put him on one of those DNT's cause he'd deserve it for being a SUSSY IMPOSTER

    8-2. Some enlisted members have begun RDMing each other in bunks as a way to pass time, what would you do in this situation? I'd tell them to stop being a SUSSY IMPOSTER or to expect to get EJECTED from the rank they are cause I'm just like that

    8-3. A Junior Maintenance is breaking multiple SOP rules such as improperly using tools and disregarding DEFCON rules, what are your next steps? I'd tell him to step up his game or get VOTED OUT of maintenance for failing to follow the epic rules that are AMONG US


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