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Posts posted by War_Fruitt

  1. Now how am I supposed to get trained for Nu7?!?! For real though glad you made it to Nu7 HCMD, and we'll for sure play some other games no doubt since we got that kinda spare time nowadays o7!

  2. Current and former Lives and Ranks: Security OFC, Security PVT, E-11 RCT, E-11 PVT, E-11 PFC, E-11 LCPL, RM, M, EXM, Maintenance Trainee, D5 RCT, D5 PVT, D5 PFC, D5 LCPL, D5 CPL, D5 SGT, D5 SSGT, D5 MSGT, D5 SM, D5 WO, D5 2LT, D5 1LT, D5 CPT, D5 MAJ, D5 LTCOL, D5 COL, D5 VCMDR, Nu7 RCT, Nu7 PVT, Nu7 PFC, CI RCT, CI PVT, JR, R, JM, MJ, MA, MP, ME, RFM, FM, EXFM, SFM, CCU, RMS, RCU, Junior Scout, JCE, CE, RRH Guardian Foxtrot 26, A1 PVT, A1 SPC, A1 LCPL, A1 CPL, A1 SGT, A1 MSGT, A1 CSM, A1 Artificer, A1 Head-Hunter, A1 Sentinel, A1 Enforcer, IAA Agent, IAA Senior Agent, IAA Special Agent, IAA Supervisory, IAA Deputy Director of Internal Affairs, IAA Director of Internal Affairs, IAA Chairman of Internal Affairs, IRO, RO, ORO, JFTO, FTO, OFTO, G9 Wraith GF5, G9 Wraith GW6, G9 Wraith GW2, G9 Wraith GD1, G9 Wraith GH3, G9 Wraith GH1, G9 Ra GH3, G9 Quetzalcoatl GT3, G9 Quetzalcoatl GT2, Southern Council Man, Future Nu7 VCMDR, Future Nu7 CMDR, Future Director of Containment, Future Deputy Site Director, Future Site Director, Future O5, Future DHOR, Future HOR, Future DoRS, Future DoL, Future DoI, Future CI General, Future D5 CMDR, Future Ethics Committee Assistant, Future Ethics Committee, Nexus-3 Inquisitor, Nexus-3 CMDR, Trial Moderator, Trail Moderator, Moderator, Admin, Future Senior Admin, Future Super Admin, Future Lead Admin, Future Head Admin, Future Head of Staff, Future Manager, Future OWNER, Manager of Interrogations!

  3. @NuggetPoggers Here read it again 

    Name:  Fruitt

    SteamID: 76561198172941854

    Discord: Fruitt

    Current and former Lives and Ranks: Security OFC, Security PVT , E-11 RCT, E-11 PVT, E-11 PFC, E-11 LCPL, RM, M, EXM, Maintenance Trainee, D5 RCT, D5 PVT, D5 PFC, D5 LCPL, D5 CPL, D5 SGT, D5 SSGT, D5 MSGT, D5 SM, D5 WO, D5 2LT, D5 1LT, D5 CPT, D5 MAJ, D5 LTCOL, D5 COL, D5 VCMDR, Nu7 RCT, Nu7 PVT, Nu7 PFC, CI RCT, CI PVT, JR, R, JM, MJ, MA, MP, ME, RFM, FM, EXFM, SFM, CCU, RMS, RCU, Junior Scout, JCE, CE, RRH Guardian Foxtrot 26, A1 PVT, A1 SPC, A1 LCPL, A1 CPL, A1 SGT, A1 MSGT, A1 CSM, A1 Artificer, A1 Head-Hunter, A1 Sentinel, A1 Enforcer, IAA Agent, IAA Senior Agent, IAA Special Agent, IAA Supervisory, IAA Deputy Director of Internal Affairs, IAA Director of Internal Affairs, IAA Chairman of Internal Affairs, IRO, RO, ORO, JFTO, FTO, OFTO, G9 Wraith GF5, G9 Wraith GW6, G9 Wraith GW2, G9 Wraith GD1, G9 Wraith GH3, G9 Wraith GH1, G9 Ra GH3, G9 Quetzalcoatl GT3, G9 Quetzalcoatl GT2, Southern Council Man, Future Nu7 VCMDR, Future Nu7 CMDR, Future Director of Containment, Future Deputy Site Director, Future Site Director, Future O5, Future DHOR, Future HOR, Future DoRS

    What rank are you applying for?:  Foundation Doctor

    Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?:  I'm a command member and I feel I show what it takes to command. Let me show you what I can do as a command member for YOUR branch just like how I command in both Delta-5 and Delta-5!

    What can you bring to the table that others can't?:  I'm a command member who can bring better commanding to the table and I can provide support of being command to higher command and LOWER COMMAND, let me show you what I can do as a command member helping bring up the activity and slowing the RDM!!

    What would you do to better Research and increase activity?: I would be a better research Command by doing PT's and giving money to those who are good little boys and girls who prove they have what it takes to write essays and take pictures (Primarily of redacted personnel!!) I would also offer them ranks on another server that let's us do "different" research on willing subjects who are being naughty!

  4. Name:  Fruitt

    SteamID: 76561198172941854

    Discord: Fruitt

    Current and former Lives and Ranks: Security OFC, Security PVT , E-11 RCT, E-11 PVT, E-11 PFC, E-11 LCPL, RM, M, EXM, Maintenance Trainee, D5 RCT, D5 PVT, D5 PFC, D5 LCPL, D5 CPL, D5 SGT, D5 SSGT, D5 MSGT, D5 SM, D5 WO, D5 2LT, D5 1LT, D5 CPT, D5 MAJ, D5 LTCOL, D5 COL, D5 VCMDR, Nu7 RCT, Nu7 PVT, Nu7 PFC, CI RCT, CI PVT, JR, R, JM, MJ, MA, MP, ME, RFM, FM, EXFM, SFM, CCU, RMS, RCU, Junior Scout, JCE, CE, RRH Guardian Foxtrot 26, A1 PVT, A1 SPC, A1 LCPL, A1 CPL, A1 SGT, A1 MSGT, A1 CSM, A1 Artificer, A1 Head-Hunter, A1 Sentinel, A1 Enforcer, IAA Agent, IAA Senior Agent, IAA Special Agent, IAA Supervisory, IAA Deputy Director of Internal Affairs, IAA Director of Internal Affairs, IAA Chairman of Internal Affairs, IRO, RO, ORO, JFTO, FTO, OFTO, G9 Wraith GF5, G9 Wraith GW6, G9 Wraith GW2, G9 Wraith GD1, G9 Wraith GH3, G9 Wraith GH1, G9 Ra GH3, G9 Quetzalcoatl GT3, G9 Quetzalcoatl GT2, Southern Council Man, Future Nu7 VCMDR, Future Nu7 CMDR, Future Director of Containment, Future Deputy Site Director, Future Site Director, Future O5, Future DHOR, Future HOR, Future DoRS

    What rank are you applying for?:  Foundation Doctor

    Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?:  I'm a command member and I feel I show what it takes to command. Let me show you what I can do as a command member for YOUR branch just like how I command in both Delta-5 and Delta-5!

    What can you bring to the table that others can't?:  I'm a command member who can bring better commanding to the table and I can provide support of being command to higher command and LOWER COMMAND, let me show you what I can do as a command member helping bring up the activity and slowing the RDM!!

    What would you do to better Research and increase activity?: I would be a better research Command by doing PT's and giving money to those who are good little boys and girls who prove they have what it takes to write essays and take pictures (Primarily of redacted personnel!!) I would also offer them ranks on another server that let's us do "different" research on willing subjects who are being naughty!

  5. 1. Name: Fruitt

    2. Current and former RP ranks: Security OFC, Security PVT, E-11 RCT, E-11 PVT, E-11 PFC, E-11 LCPL, RM, M, EXM, Maintenance Trainee, D5 RCT, D5 PVT, D5 PFC, D5 LCPL, D5 CPL, D5 SGT, D5 SSGT, D5 MSGT, D5 SM, D5 WO, D5 2LT, D5 1LT, D5 CPT, D5 MAJ, D5 LTCOL, D5 COL, D5 VCMDR, Nu7 RCT, Nu7 PVT, Nu7 PFC, CI RCT, CI PVT, JR, R, JM, MJ, MA, MP, ME, RFM, FM, EXFM, SFM, CCU, RMS, RCU, Junior Scout, JCE, CE, RRH, A1 PVT, A1 SPC, A1 LCPL, A1 CPL, A1 SGT, A1 MSGT, A1 CSM, A1 Artificer, A1 Head-Hunter, A1 Sentinel, A1 Enforcer, IAA Agent, IAA Senior Agent, IAA Special Agent, IAA Supervisory, IAA Deputy Director of Internal Affairs, IAA Director of Internal Affairs, IAA Chairman of Internal Affairs, IRO, RO, ORO, JFTO, FTO, OFTO, G9 Wraith GF5, G9 Wraith GW6, G9 Wraith GW2, G9 Wraith GD1, G9 Wraith GH3, G9 Wraith GH1, G9 Ra GH3, G9 Quetzalcoatl GT3, G9 Quetzalcoatl GT2, Southern Council Man

    3. SteamID: 76561198172941854

    4. DiscordID: Fruitt

    5. What command rank are you applying for?: MAJ (pain in your ass)

    6. Why do you want to be Nu7 command: I'm different I've been a great active member of General Security, and I should get to be the highest of the high I want in so I can get HSU and allow Lavender to get SF's for the other branches and to let Laggy get SF Command 👍!

    7. What can you offer as a member of Nu7 command: My experience in Revolutionary RP allows me to know the best negotiation's prices for people... erm I meant for SCPs... I was also very prolific within the MexicanBorder RP servers as a great member of BP when we would catch the border hoppers. 

    8. What makes you different from other applicants: I'm different cause that's how I'm built. I'm also a great choice because of my Minecraft RP experience where I would be own a lot of land and employ people to work for me and then I would hire "managers" to help keep employee activity at an all-time high they kept calling me the Bezo's of the train yard!

  6. Color Codes/Legend For AP/HP:
    Red (Original HP/AP) → Green (Updated HP/AP): Changes/Updates For HP/AP
    Yellow (Original HP/AP) → Yellow (Unchanged/Original HP/AP): No Changes/Updates For HP/AP

    Color Codes/Legend for Weapons:
    Green: Adding Weapon to Job
    Red: Removing Weapon from Job
    Yellow: No Changes of Weapons from Job

    HCMD/SA+ Approval Section:

    Overseer Council: O5-3
    Site Administration: Fool, Stolas, Bucket, Blackbeard
    Nu-7 HCMD: Purp
    E-11 HCMD: Blackout, Darby
    A-1 HCMD: (On LOA)
    CI HCMD: JrShafer, Saint 

    Security HCMD: Jones, Assassin
    Utility HCMD: Vintage
    Research HCMD: Cintal

    Delta-5 Enlisted

    HP: 150175
    AP: 150 150




    G36C (arc9_mw3e_g36)

    Attachments For G36C

    Angled Foregrip (arc9_att_bo2_grip_angled)

    AR Suppressor 4 (arc9_att_bo2_muzzle_suppressor_4)


    MP5K (arc9_mw2e_mp5k)


    Job Slots: 10 10

    Delta-5 NCO


    HP: 175200
    AP: 150175






    1x Smoke Grenades (tfa_csgo_smoke)

    1x Flashbangs (tfa_csgo_flash)

    Job Slots: 8 10

    Delta-5 Raptor Operative


    HP: 150 175
    AP: 150175





    Branch Activity Logger (activity_logger)

    1x M67 Frag Grenades (arc9_cod4e_frag)

    1x Smoke Grenades (tfa_csgo_smoke)

    1x Flashbangs (tfa_csgo_flash)

    Job Slots: 58


    Delta-5 Internal Affairs Agent


    HP: 150 175
    AP: 150175





    Branch Activity Logger (activity_logger)

    1x M67 Frag Grenades (arc9_cod4e_frag)

    1x Smoke Grenades (tfa_csgo_smoke)

    1x Flashbangs (tfa_csgo_flash)

    Job Slots: 4 8

    Delta-5 Internal Affairs Interrogations Specialist

    HP: 150175
    AP: 150175


    ACR: (arc9_mw2e_acr)

    Attachments Wanted For ACR:
    ADCO Solo (arc9_att_bo2_optic_solo)
    AR Suppressor 2 (arc9_att_bo2_muzzle_suppressor_2)


    MP5K (arc9_mw2e_mp5k)



    Branch Activity Logger (activity_logger)

    Job Slots: 46

    Additional Jobs That Can Whitelisted This Job:
    Delta-5 Officer

    Delta-5 Officer


    HP: 200225
    AP: 200200



    Winchester M1200: (arc9_cod4e_w1200)


    M1897: (arc9_waw_trenchgun)



    1x M67 Frag Grenades (arc9_cod4e_frag)

    2x Smoke Grenades (tfa_csgo_smoke)

    2x Flashbangs (tfa_csgo_flash)

    Job Slots: 610

    Gamma-9 “Forsetti's Banamaðr”

    Name Change: MTF Gamma-9 "Spear of the Law”

    HP: 225225
    AP: 225225



    MK48 Mod 1 (arc9_bo2_mk48)

    Colt M4A1 (arc9_mw2e_m4a1)


    ACR (arc9_mw2e_acr)



    2x M67 Frag Grenades (arc9_cod4e_frag)

    1x Smoke Grenades (tfa_csgo_smoke)

    1x Flashbangs (tfa_csgo_flash)

    2x Sticky Grenades (m9k_sticky_grenade)

    Job Slots: 4 8

    Delta-5 Commander


    HP: 225250
    AP: 225225





    2x M67 Frag Grenades (arc9_cod4e_frag)

    2x Smoke Grenades (tfa_csgo_smoke)

    2x Flashbangs (tfa_csgo_flash)

    **New Delta-5 Job**

    Name: MTF Delta-5 Raptors “Ornith” Units

    Job Slots:

    Description: Instead of becoming the hunted, they have followed different routes then the rest of their pack and became the hunters. The “ORNITH” Units are tasked with tracking and hunting prey while being swift and deadly. These soldiers have shown dedication to both Raptor Task Force and Mobile Mop Force. These combatants have shown prowess and fortitude against all odds. “Ornith” Units have been hand-selected from upper echelons to finish tasks that others wouldn't be willing to do. These are the true hunters of Site-⬛⬛.




    File for model:


    HP: 175
    AP: 200

    **Utility Items**

    Branch Activity Logger: activity_logger

    Elastic Cuffs: weapon_cuff_elastic

    Level 3 Keycard: guthscp_keycard_lvl_3

    Tranquilizer M9: weapon_m9

    1x M67 Frag Grenades: arc9_cod4e_frag

    2x Smoke Grenades: tfa_csgo_smoke

    2x Flashbangs: tfa_csgo_flash

    Armor Kit: gl_armorkit



    Assault Rifle: 

    Colt MC901: arc9_mw3e_cm901

    Attachments For CM901

    Extended Mag: arc9_att_mwc_mag_ext


    RDS sight: arc9_att_mwc_optic_sureshot


    M1216: arc9_bo2_m1216

    **Comms Needed**


    Speed Set: 300

    Needs The Ability To Fix Containment Cells

    Needs The Ability To Fix Lights/Lockdown/Tesla’s

    Needs The Ability To Spawn Armor Charges

    Job Slots: 4

    Can Only Be Whitelisted By:

    Site Director
    Deputy Site Director
    Director Of Containment/Logistics
    Delta-5 Commander
    Delta-5 Officer
    Utility High Command

    Delta-5 Current Health Pool

    HP: 1300 → 1650

    Armor: 1200 → 1500

    C.A.D. System/Wanted System
    Shadows, Zeeptin, Curtis, and I had a meeting to discuss a new system based on PoliceRP’s C.A.D System used for Employee Identification, Recent Violations against the Code of Ethics, And Revising the AOS/KOS System we currently use. Basically, this system will create a unique ID for each player that joins on the server and will be with them from Day One and onward and will be carried with them. Each Unique ID will be separated from different branches, and this will be our way of dealing with people who might be wanted for breaking the Code of Ethics or expressing traitorous tendencies to the foundation. Me and Fruitt will be working on this with Zeeptin the next few weeks, but we plan to include this system for every foundation force branch so they can request their own wanted system for each of their separate branches which could also include SOP Rules which can be “role-played” out in game if you will. We will also work with the rest of HCMD to see what we could implement so we can benefit everyone!


    Good responses to the questions+
    A good explanation for why he should be in Staff+

    Even with no prior experience I believe everyone deserves a chance at starting out staffing especially when like Mythic they have really delved into the community and really grown as a member!


  8. Never really got to interact with you and the rest of Secuirty as much as I should have but I know you did everything you could to help it and Research grow into what they have become today. Farewell and enjoy retirement along with the rest of the greats o7!

  9. 1 hour ago, Lovelock said:

    + Scenarios look good

    + Active player

    - No proof of warns

    - Did not meet the word requirement


    For now, I am giving a -support however, this may change if the application is updated.

    Thank you I forgot about the screenshot and didn't even realize I was a few words short I have since gone back and fixed those issues as well as added a bit more of information to the application! 🙂

  10. What is your in-game name?: Fruitt

    What is your steam name?: War_Fruitt

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:106338063

    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): Fruitt

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I was previously an admin on Gaminglight, as well as an admin for two other SCP servers which have since either switched from SCP or shut down due to poor management, and I've been head of staff on another Gmod server back in 2015-2016.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) July of 2022

    What date did you make your forums account? July 6, 2022

    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? 1

    What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc) Platinum

    Are you a staff member in another community? No and I've never been while staffing for GL

    Have you read the staff handbook? Yes

    Timezone: CST

    What rank are you applying for? Trial Mod (again I guess 😠)

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)
    I believe I should be allowed back into staff because I've always dedicated as much time to helping with sits, RP actions, and helping new members understand the rules to the best of my ability. I've always helped people even when I was in the middle of RP as staff takes priority to any RP situation I may have been involved with. I spent more than 7 months doing everything I could to make the server as pleasant as possible, even now after a false accusation costed me my staff position, I still believe that I may be able to continue to help the server even in these low population times. I intend to help stop any and all rule breakers as reasonably as possible without making players not want to come back nor making the server unfavorable to those that may want to return at a later date. I feel it also helps that I've had enough experience across a few servers to understand the best course of action for defusing toxic situations that otherwise would be more problematic and cause harsher punishment to be used.

    Scenario questions:

    Select any two of the following four questions to answer for this section. Please note, in the scenario questions we are not expecting perfect answers. We are assessing your critical thinking skills, your ability to use the staff handbook, and come to reasonable conclusions. 

    Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?
    I would inform them that their attitude will not change the outcome of the situation and that the MRDM will give them a 5 day ban and any attempt to staff diss will also stack on with their ban/warn if they refuse to acknowledge what I tell them there is nothing more I can do  and I would swiftly issue the punishment before returning the now banned user so he can work on lowering his ban time by AFKing on the server.

    Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players.
    The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation? I would split the sit up into which ever side everyone is on and then I would get testaments from each person to understand the situation then I would give out the proper punishments to all who broke a rule depending on the severity of the broken rule and how many people were affected.

    Q3: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving?
    The best way to handle someone who has no interest in getting punishment is to just let them know what rule they broke and what punishment they would get then I would issue the punishment and return them then I would keep a watchful eye on them for a few minutes to make sure they don't repeat the offense if they don't I would return to RP if they do I would issue another punishment until either they hit the warn limit and get banned or if they break a severe rule that requires a harsher punishment like a ban.

    Q4: There is a player abusing a known bug, and he has been reported to staff. He swears he followed the server rules when you talk with him. What's the best way to handle this?
    When dealing with someone who is actively abusing a known bug and he was reported for it to staff the first thing to do is attempt to get evidence of them in the act whether it be through a clip (preferred method) or to get screenshots of them exploiting if neither are admisible then all that can be done is a verbal warning to the person to not exploit and if it continues then a warn is required and if it's a job specific exploit removing them from the job can also be very effective to help deal with people who are exploiting on the server.


  11. 1 hour ago, Tanner0 said:

    Fruitt: Bro joined maint to Bug Proredfly or Elevate so many times

    NINE TIMES GETTING TRAINED TO BUG THEM. But on another note you've done some amazing work for maintenance and you will be missed, it's been an honor getting to play along side you even if I never fully dedicated to Maintenance. O7

  12. In-game name: Fruitt

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:106338063

    DiscordID: war_fruitt

    Why should you be a member of the G.O.C. (75 word minimum): I should be a member of GoC because I put in tons of work when I join a branch and I always work hard to accomplish any goal we have whether it's document work, combative situations, or even handling command work that I hope I get to partake in at some point in the GoC. I also have plenty of good experience leading people to tactical victory and am always willing to learn better and more effective tactics that I feel being in the GoC will guide me to be able to do.

    What makes you a unique applicant: I would be a unique applicant due to the amount of experience I have not only for combat but also in command work for when I earn the right to be a command member of the GoC.

    Can you be active within the span of 14 days?: Yes.

    Current/former ranks: D5 Col, E-11 LCPL, Maintenance Expert (?), Experienced Medic (and anything else in my bio that I didn't list)

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